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   Dez - Had a weekend, experienced in military time, the correct way. Started a game of civ, became holy and roman, and then Sweden started a bunch of rebellions for him.
   Kaylie - Had a long rehearsal, and then a long booth build, and then slept I guess. Binged the good place, and now its the over place.
   Mitchell - Had a weekend, had a class where the God TA said to "Randomly input possibilites until you get it". The professor of 60/70/80 is somehow still alive.
   Mckenna - Had a weekend. Crashed a party, where she played chess timer jenga, followed by jenga in teams where someone was eyes and someone else was hands. This morning, she saw someone using nearlyfreespeech.net and felt her blood pressure rise. Did math involving 150 and 69. Nice.
   Woody - Pass out the attendance! Did a gaem jam, and am now completely dead. Also have a new game to work on, lots of game proposals to filter, a test, a paper, and a bomb to defuse. I am dead and will be double dead soon.
   James - Had a weekend. Did booth build, and not much else. Mostly slept (4 naps in two days, wowwwwwwwwwww).
   Kushal - Had a weekend, and sometime last week him and his roommates went to look for a house. Decided not to do, because the person living their gave them a note that said "Do not live in this house". Seemed like good advice.


   Henry - Stupid History - Noteable event in Philip the second of macedon. Assembled a big fucking army, and then at a party a vasal got drunk, pissed off his mother, and she went home, jeapordizing the alliance. To fix this, he married someone to someone else's cousin, and prevented war. Party time! At another party, claimed he was god, asked for no protection, and then tried to give a speech. Someone just stabbed him in plain sight. Right before this.
   Kaylie - Cats are stupid - My cat's are having a birthday party! Show up this weekend!
   Mckenna - Anti-sandwich sandwich club committee - Burgers - Have two relativiely flat slices of bread - Ration of carbs to protiens is 1:1 - Must be expected to eat with your hands - Doesn't need meat, but is hard to meet ratio without it.
   Kate - MA Stupid History - The 1973 war between Israel and some other states was caused by the surrounding arab nations having wars with Israel despite them having superiour military strength. Israel just assumed no one would attack them because of their nice military, and then got surprise attacked.
   Tim - AH Sub standards sandwich committee + A LOT OF OTHERS - Bubbles - What is the most approriate term for three slices of the same bread stacked on each other - Bread sandwhich, or miniature loaf?
   Liam - Rejected booth themes - Sandwich ontology booth?
   Henry - Planning for CMU KGB in Exile committee - The following exec have bounties on their heads - They tryant Dez, James, Kaylie, Mckenna, and Woody.
       Editor's note: This is not true, and should not believed. The KGB Executive board would like to you know that the rebellion is fake and small, and will soon be annihilated.
   Kate - Booth - We're bulding a booth, and still need your help! Poeple who showed up, thanks! Everyone else, come help tomorrow! Next build after that is Saturday from 6-9!
   Oliver - POI, what do we have against grass?
   Kate - POI - Henry, will the government in exile accept only the top of Dez's head?
   Oliver - POI - Is the offer still valid after Dez has died of old age?
   Liam - Sandwhich ontology board - Recognizes sandwhich realism as the official sandwhich ontology of the KGB
   Kaylie - Didn't catch the name - Her professor spent the entire time ranting about their set, instead of talking about class.
       "I'm not saying it's not safe, I just think I could knock the fucker othe   Henry - Stupid History - Noteable event in Philip the second of macedon. Assembled a big fucking army, and then at a party a vasal got drunk, pissed off his mother, and she went home, jeapordizing the alliance. To fix this, he married someone to someone else's cousin, and prevented war. Party time! At another party, claimed he was god, asked for no protection, and then tried to give a speech. Someone just stabbed him in plain sight. Right before this.
       Kaylie - Cats are stupid - My cat's are having a birthday party! Show up this weekend!
       Mckenna - Anti-sandwich sandwich club committee - Burgers - Have two relativiely flat slices of bread - Ration of carbs to protiens is 1:1 - Must be expected to eat with your hands - Doesn't need meat, but is hard to meet ratio without it.
       Kate - MA Stupid History - The 1973 war between Israel and some other states was caused by the surrounding arab nations having wars with Israel despite them having superiour military strength. Israel just assumed no one would attack them because of their nice military, and then got surprise attacked.
       Tim - AH Sub standards sandwich committee + A LOT OF OTHERS - Bubbles - What is the most approriate term for three slices of the same bread stacked on each other - Bread sandwhich, or miniature loaf?
       Liam - Rejected booth themes - Sandwich ontology booth?
       Henry - Planning for CMU KGB in Exile committee - The following exec have bounties on their heads - They tryant Dez, James, Kaylie, Mckenna, and Woody.
           Editor's note: This is not true, and should not believed. The KGB Executive board would like to you know that the rebellion is fake and small, and will soon be annihilated.
       Kate - Booth - We're bulding a booth, and still need your help! Poeple who showed up, thanks! Everyone else, come help tomorrow! Next build after that is Saturday from 6-9!
       Oliver - POI, what do we have against grass?
           CMU. HATES. GRASS.
       Kate - POI - Henry, will the government in exile accept only the top of Dez's head?
       Oliver - POI - Is the offer still valid after Dez has died of old age?
       Liam - Sandwhich ontology board - Recognizes sandwhich realism as the official sandwhich ontology of the KGB
       Kaylie - Didn't catch the name - Her professor spent the entire time ranting about their set, instead of talking about class.
       "I'm not saying it's not safe, I just think I could knock the fucker over"
       Liam - (Not Actually) AH Ruining childhood - Boardgame implies that crew is always stoned out of their mind on spice
       Mckenna - Is that really not AH or MA
       Kate - MA committee to assassinate the treasurer - Soon.
       Oliver - AH MA airport committee - Hey, remember that airport in Berlin that couldn't open, because it need 1000 fire watchers? On the berlin metro map, the opening date is now listed as "Whenever".
       Tim - AH Time Lords Association + AH Furry Infiltration Committee + Technologist guild of america - Soon.
       Liam - Corn Subsidies - None of you fuckers are buying, cause we're still stuck at $3.79
       Oliver - AH Procrastination - Soon.
       Michell - MA Sub standards committee - Rolled for every topping, and managed to roll none for concentrated ice tea mix, and rolled for a decent amount of honey.
       Tim - MA Nation corn growers association - Corn pricers are highly cyclical, and spike between late may and early august. Schucks.
       Henry - CMU KGB War criminals association - One the one hand, the sanctity of democracy. On the other, book sales.


James has the thing, and didn't bring it back. Liam has the spirit of the thing. The corn prices aren't his fault. In spirit.
No other orders of the day.


   Kate - Motion to allocate 20 bushels of corn for 5000 bushels of corn.
       Tim - So I started typing into google "Buying corn", and it became "Buying corn in dream"
       Tim - To dream of buying corn foretells upcoming changes in life. If you have dreamed of roasting corn, you need to be patient and persistent in your goals. Dreams about eating corn sybolize youthfullness and vitality.
       Kate - Requesting a reprot from Tim about what dreaming about bushels of corn means? Or Vinyls of corn?
       Liam - Culinary standards would like to report that if we buy this much corn, the committee will hold an event in which we cook and eat all this corn.
       Tim - CMU eats contract unit is unfortunately 5000 bushels of corn.
       Kate - How many bushels of corn can you buy with 1 ounce of gold?
       Liam - POI, bulk corn can be purchased from most farms for $2 per bushel.
   Passed - Been allocated.
   Oliver - Motion to create the KGB Corn industries incorporated
   Purpose - To buy corn for $2 that is unfit for human consumption, and resell them for human consumption
       Liam - THIS IS THE FDA, OPEN UP
   Passed, sold to Tim for $4, chaired by Him, Oliver, and the [CK]orn people.
       Paul - POI, Does the [CK]orn people include residents of
   Henry - Committe to remake last nights game (LIV) in a movie with Nick Cage
   Purpose - Super bowl lives
       Liam - Motion to disband the KGB as an organization
       Henry - I am far too proud of that stupid joke, it's really bad but I'm happy.
       Kate - Motion to ruin the joke by making Henry explain it
   Passed, sold to Henry for $.70, chaired by Liam.
   Liam - Called a meeting for the committee, and then disbanded it. It's ded now.
   Kate - Motino to #define "Motion to disband the KGB as an organization" as a motion to remove yourself from the meeting.
       Mitchell - Motion to replace yourself with "DH Reed" and all members that applies to. - No seconds
       Liam - Motion to change yourself to "Desmond reed", "Dez", "DHReed", "Dez", and "Dreed".
       Henry - Motion to censor the chair - Passed, been censored.
       Henry - KGB in exile would like to declare victory
       James - Motion to censor the KGB government in exile.
           Passed, been censored.
       Liam - Motion to delcare the sword of sankiashek (?) as the official parlimentary object of the KGB.
   Passed, been changed.
   Oliver - Motino to create a standing rule st, in order to uniquely identify each member, references to members must be made using the member's Social Security number.
   Tim - Motion to creat a standing rule so that a motion to \end{shut up nerd and political science and knuckles} priveged motion that prevents filibusters and ejects anyone who is participating in one (and knuckles).
   Kate - Motion that the president's squeaky gavel is the KGB's ceremonial mace, and acts in the same was the one in Britain does. (Draw's authority from the Unit)
   Tabled for 1 week.
   Mitchell - Motion to embezzle 20 bushels of corn (and the sword of san kaishek)
   Passed by acclamation
   Henry - KGB government in exile has removed woody from it's hitlist.
   Mitchell - Motion to create a standing rule s.t. the motion to create a standing rule can happen in another standing rule.
   Kaylie - Motion to #define [ck]*orm as corn\
   Passed, mmmmmmmmm
   Liam - Motion to suspend the rules regarding the prohibition of proposing new standing rules during other motion to create standing rules.
       Liam - Motion to create a standing rule such that this is impossible
       Tim - Call the noop
   Passed, does nothing!


   Dez - We're exec! Sometimes we do stuff! I really don't think anyone is reading this anyhow. I'm bringing crickets, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Mwahahaha
   Tim - Video game night has it's signup! It's at the place Mitchell suggested, at cmukgb.org/anything
   Kate - Booth! On Tomorrow! (7:30 - 10:30)


   Kushal - You can always take the cheeseballs
   Tim - You have to check out this really really cool pneumonic for the 50 states.
   Liam - End knucles committee - If anyone wants to sell me a games controller, I will buy one
   Kate - Motion to impeach kushal for cheeseball embezzlement
   Henry - I have a favorite cut of a star wars film, in alphabetical order.
   Liam - Motion to \end{Shut up nerd and political science and knucles}
   Kaylie - Seriously, come to my house at 2pm on Sunday to celebrate my cat's birth
   Liam - Culinary standards - Liquid nitrogen night! At some point!
   Kate - POI, if we want to bring your cats gifts, what should we get?
       Mckenna - Can I bring dog food?
   Tim - Motion to purple
   Liam - Motion to seafoam green, purple, seafoam green, fish fish fish, \fanfiction, \math, \end{fish}, and fuck green eggs and ham
   Passed, meeting abandonded!