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   Ian had a weekend. exciting walk out of this room, aren is wiping the table. ian follows and wipe another table. then left with a paper towel with no way to dispose. had to walk all the way to the bathroom and throw into the trash can. not a good experience. weekend was upa, made some questionable purchases. waiting for painting of goran eating raw egg. went to art store. will find cheaper tape. 
   Dez had a weekend. bought people's time. can't remember who i bought. algo is hard.
   Kate had a weekend. started on wednesday. at -30 degrees of wind chill. end today at 60 degrees. global warming is making me concerned every fucking day. end report. oh shit. 
       Event: video game night. BH 235 A,B and 237 B. Friday 7pm. will be sign up sheet to bring games. 
       We discovered a mailing list that was used to sending weekly events. you'll get emails with event details. show up, bring video games.
   Ellen had a weekend. made some fake stuff for pravda. 
   Janny had a weekend. can't remember what happened cause it was just a big blob of rest but also working. 
   Aren had a weekend. useless people auction. can't wait to teach people. 
   Mitchell had a weekend. received an email for hot tips. made appointment. forgot to go. felt bad. emailed the person. the time was during class, asked ellen to give notes. emailed 112 by mistake.


   c: big oof
       walking home on saturday. slipped and fell like a dumbass on the ice. entire left side of body hurts. missed the bus. 
   c: ad hoc french big ufh
   c: patriots act
       looking into possibility of forcing to retire
   c: yea im a weeb
       ei gu
   c: ad hoc big um
       ta gave me this [a scotty dog shaped sticker but with red-black polka dot] today with no context
   c: ad hoc singular of geese
       just one goo?
   c: ad hoc propell isn't a real course
       meeting with the professor. slept through and arrived 15 mins late. fourth person hasn't contacted them. it was friday. 
           Ian: vogel sent a ni hao email to an obviously chinese student.
       rauen also hasn't met group, although filled out forms about having met them.
   c: german pronunciation
       you should be calling him foh-gurl. or professor bird.
   c: ad hoc former sergeant
       disapproving look
   c: ad hoc german pronunciation
       is the german version of birb vogel??
   c: ad hoc committee
       looking for experienced marketer to help with pork products.
   c: comics are bullshit
       spiderman villain "big man". he's a man who is big. that's it.
   c: ad hoc swordfighting is a modern sport. 
       issue: people don't wanna stab cause they don't like it.
       solution: don't fight? you get a card. if you do it, you are paused for two months
   c: ad hoc
       what happens when you have fractional or rational raptors?
   c: subtracted rabid
       responds disapprovingly
   c: misapp. stupid power rangers facts
       tokusatsu gagaga. jdrama about a closet toku otaku woman who's obsessed with tokusatsu. 
   c: misapp. c to assassinate + her majesty + ian watch yourself
       beware the null pointer
   c: null pointer
       segmentation fault core dumped.
   c: ad hoc warrior cat
       cat who's canon. his name is spits
   c: further misapp. warrior cat
       multiple cats who are canon, including several who appears in the game.


   The thing
       at Henry in DC
       spirit, at Mitch McConnel
       spirit of spirit, at Artemis's aunt
       meta meta spirit of the thing: harry
           not fault = everyone's lack of sleep
           fault = marshmellow doing his first online concern #coachella2019 #fyrefest2019
   Orders of the day:
       1. Standing rule: banning emoji in minutes.
           If you have a mac and press cmd ctrl space it pulls up an emoji search bar.
           m: amend to "emojis not allowed but pointers to emojis are allowed in the minutes."
               m: define emoji as unicode version fish fish
               misapp. com to protect the recsec
                   windows = on screen emoji keyboard
                   u+8261 = angry emoji
                       it's called "pouting face"
               m: allocate thinking emojis and add pointer to it at the end of the standing rule
                   sorry we have none to allocate. we ran out.
                   out of order.
               that passed. inconsequentially.
               standing rule to ban emoji in the minutes but allowing pointers to emojis
                   that failed. ouch.


   pointer to: standing rule that allows us to create pointers
       Ian "ouch"
       fill the archive?
           been filled.
   run the archive
       2. Sept 3
       c: plato is an anime villain
       p: one of plato's opinion, certain kinds of music must be banned because they induce too much information. 
           append p: plato also thinks that soldiers shouldn't read the illiad since it portrays the gods as imperfect
           "i want it added to the records that neo platonism as a philosophy is bullshit."
               been added to the record, whatever that is. 
               c: plato is an anime villain
               p: one of plato's opinion, certain kinds of music must be banned because they induce too much information. plato also thinks that soldiers shouldn't read the illiad since it portrays the gods as imperfect.
                   $2 to Dez. chair=neo socrates
   m: alloc <=$50 for this week's food and events
       it's a good idea
   c: 2020 campaign slogans 
   p: force bernie sanders to, if he runs, make his slogan "hindsight is 20/20"
       "that's a giant sick burn. just took his heels and said fuck you.""
       "he's not that large"
           $5 to Aren. chair=henry
   c: cursed new meeting place
   p: to find extremely cursed housing options for where we could potentially have meetings
       "modern house with chips on wallpaper and seafoam green paints"
       house aren's looking at: painting of cacti on the stairs in front of the door. doorframe has a red sign that says telephone
       "party room."
       one of the house aren's also looking at. 6 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms. master bedroom has a fucking jacuzzi's
           a fucking jacuzzi's can hold two people.
           "a fucking jacuzzi's is horny and nonfucing jacuzzi's is ace"
       m: pronounce "cursed" in com name as "curr-sed"
           $2 to harry. chair=it's sold to you. it's free real estate
   c: uncomfortable chinaman
   p: ni hao. me and my konnichiwa friends are here at carnegie mellon from nippon for having education.
       amend: "chinaman" => "hong kong man and taiwan man"
       amend: "taiwan" => "republic of china"
       u+2621 emoji
           still angry one
       replace: "republic of china" => "the earth kingdom"
       c: uncomfortable hong kong man, republic of china man, and macao man
           friendly and passed.
       [egyptian hieroglyph of a dick]
       m: "education" in katakana
       "these things get saved on the wiki and has no context"
           "there has been worse i'm sure"
       m: fail this by acclamation
           "it's a bad idea"
           c: uncomfortable hong kong man, republic of china man, and macao man
           p: ni hao. me and my konnichiwa friends are here at carnegie mellon from nippon for having education.
               fiailed by acclamation
   c: u+1f360
   p: if i was being really nice to everyone but i refuse to leave my couch, will i be  a roasted sweet potato emoji?
       replace "360" => "36d", "roasted sweet potato" => "lollipop"
           eggplant emoji
       m: petition to remove eggplant emoji
           out of order
       replace "36d" => "disney 369"
           c: u+1fdisney 369
           p: if i was being really nice to everyone but i refuse to leave my couch, will i be a lollipop emoji?
               $7 to Dez. chair=yen
   c: roberts rule of order approvement
   p: to look into possibility of contrue next robert's rule of order
       m: construe this as a waste of time
       m: fill the archive
           passed by lack of attention. been filled.
   c: origami
   p: a pointer to ellen putting on a paper hat that says "pravda" on it
       new p: pointer to the committee itself
           not seconded
           c: origami
           p: pointer to itself
               in favor=pointer to hand
               oppose=null pointer
               $? to ?


   liquid nitrogen night: feb 22
       flavors = strawberry; former vice president algore eating orange tic tacs; it's called hentai mom and it's art
   event: video game night
       friday 7pm. BH 235AB + 237B
   we will also have to explain to turnshek why we have these flavors
   exec meeting wednesday 3.30pm uc329 
   useless people auction was real money!!! pay to aren. if you need reminder of how much you bought, come to aren, janny, or ellen


   itr saturday 10pm. come stab me.
   challenge: exec will get bugs?
       explanation: if challenge is called, exec is required to show challenge coins. if anyone on exec doesn't have challenge coins, buy snacks for exec. otherwise you buy snacks for exec.
   m: standing rule fish fish
   m: point out that goran hasn't been back since he died
       we have always been in fanfiction mode since last year
       nothing we did was canonical