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Officer Reports


Girlfriend went to quarantine instead of date :( She is better, will be released at 7:00 tonight. Glisson is not sick, has itchy eye though. Weird laptop screen .


Not present, making cake.

Had a week. Had some first classes. Had some baking (today). Should have varied sugar with milk, not chocolate. Raspberries!


Had the plague yesterday, lay on couches and ate chicken noodle soup.


Making potato salad. Potatoes are cooling.


Asked for lunch box. Got lunch box, sandals, two shoeboxes, and cookies.


Doesn't have the flu. Classes and stuff. Blah blah blah blah. [I'm not mocking her; she said this out loud.] Classes don't seem that hard; has thought that before.


Left Caitlin cooking cornbread. We may have cornbread tonight. We may not have cornbread tonight. Either is possible. Still sleeping on the floor. Will try to get furniture soon.


labbott got stuff. Is locked in closet. We will ask info desk after meeting.

We need to get more keys.

Feeling flagstaff is probably going to be wet. Will be in PH A18*.

Underground Tour planning. 1:00 PM tomorrow

  • Will probably be skipping Leap? To be discussed
  • 1+ of exec should show up early; someone should bring a laptop.
  • jboning will share Google doc with the rest of exec before then
  • Don't particularly need old scripts printed out

Underground Tour itself

  • Will allocate $150
  • When to get food
  • Where to keep food -- a cooler? Keep at labbott's.

Need rep for KGB leadership meeting.

  • ~$400 in student activities
  • Need to set up oracle account with them, withdraw money
  • Don't necessarily want the university looking too closely at our finances
  • Will go to money meeting
    • A whole bunch at 4:30; one at 9:30

Get Boarded, Get Carded next week

Exec phone numbers -- oh, Derek texted people


  • Have: last year booth
  • Need: ctfws, my actions, new ctfws (glisson's posters?)

Event inside or outside?

  • Outside: squishy, but there is concrete.