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(New page: ==Jared== Weekend was full of stuff. Wondering about the origins of "I had a weekend". The New RPS. Bear > Dance > Error. Played DND. Flying leap into a Chimera. Made a perfect landing. A...)
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Revision as of 21:50, 15 March 2009


Weekend was full of stuff. Wondering about the origins of "I had a weekend". The New RPS. Bear > Dance > Error. Played DND. Flying leap into a Chimera. Made a perfect landing. Ambushed by some rouges. Killed them all. Took their stuff. Had tons of daggers. Dagger started insulting him. Because it was a crude dagger. Jokeserver is spying on his DnD game.


Not feeling well. Csawyer hugged him and is gonna get sick.

Tons of crazy stuff this week. Bought new shoes. Black and white. Called sketchers.


Event! Get board get carded! Because we all like this event. Bring games! Every single game! Crawled over the cage. Found out what kind of lumber we had. Helped with random art. Took Sunday off. Wanted to watch BSG. But she couldn't, because Dr. Who was on First.


aaaah! Had a weekend. Did all the homework is due tomorrow and the day after. Dreamed she grew a beard. It was troubling. Then she woke up. Bad dream. Submit to Pravda? Is tired, so isn't loud. Was walking around, in Squirrel Hill. Saw this guy spouting nonsense, waving glow-sticks. He was a raving lunatic.


Had a busy weekend. Computer was acting odd, thought he had a terminal illness.


Had a weekend. Got regular car back. Sushi. 2841 cups of guacamole. Rival car companies. Third company came in. Signed an a agreement. Known as the Honda-Peace Accords.

Drew gets 5 komrad points for getting his pennies in the cup.


Had a weekend. Was going to be the only officer not to start like that. Made pyramids. Still at CFA. Did a bunch of stuff. Hockey game on Sunday. No homework at all. Isn't going to sleep for the rest of the week. Roughly halfway through Ben wolf's Reign of terror. Famous tree, lots of seeds. Bad seeds are sold, while pro-seeds donated to charity.


Pop Occultism

A great man never ignores the simplicity of a child.

Knows a guy called Ray, who has a daughter. Who is adorable. Shawn was married, then wasn't. Was over at Ray's house. Daughter was three. Ray was the only one who told Shawn he was stupid. Daughter went "Shawn is stupid". Rule got established that only Shawn could call things stupid.

Misappropriate Ben Wolf's Jokes

Ben a Race Car Driver -- a Funny Car Driver

251 Torture

Success by this time next week.

Weird Dream

When big thing start to happen, he dreams about them. This includes booth. Last year, he dreamed about take down, flats were flying. Kriger took down a whole wall. By himself. With a sledge hammer. With one swing. Booth was reduced to a pile of smoking flats. Awakened by Carolyn. Booth had reassembled itself. Jared tried to take care of it, it ate him. Let midway deal with it. Got a fine of 2 million dollars.

World Wide Web Victory Committee

Google Earth has 3d modeling of every building in a one mile radius. Knows where you sleep.


Very few of us showed up. We have another one. People should actually come. Giving out sticky octapi as prizes are they are 7.6 cents a piece.

Tool training with Greta, we need two people. Bob the builder trains you to use powertools. We need someone to come with greta. Or two people to go for her. If you are interested, send an officer or booth chair an email. Wednesday at 9:30.


ESG is Shawn on unidentified flying objects. 6:30 to 8:30 in Wean 5304.

Groan at Ben Wolf's Jokes

7 accounts of success. Lots of groans.

Committee that Won't Exist

Pick Goob

Story Telling Committee

Marketing meant no more and no less than that -- bringing your food to the market.

Could grow into the grocery store and buy mustard. That was all you could get. Got white mustard seed. And white wine. Made mustard. "Pardon Me -- do you have any Grey Poupon". Made Dijon Two kinds of Mustard. People bought new kinds of mustard. Market segmentation worked. Pasta Sauce worked the same way. There was "Spaghetti Sauce" and "Spaghetti Sauce with meat". Chunky or smooth? No one was making chunky spaghetti Sauce. So they could double the market. Tried it with Ketchup. And they failed. Heinz Ketchup *is* Ketchup. Change the balance, and you get tomato sauce with something else in it. It doesn't work. Noticed people like putting salt on their food. But didn't put as much ketchup -- because parents were like "be careful with that glass thing". Switched to plastic, 19% more ketchup sold.

Old Business

Mspindle has the thing. Combinatorics test is not his fault.

New Business

$50 For the Event

Passed Acclamation.

Box of Magic Cards

Will talk later.

Horrible Committee

Purpose: Dr. Horrible Renamed to Dr. Haribol Committee. PHD in Haribolness? In Favor: Go "What! You haven't see Dr. Horrible" to Rauhit. Opposed: Talk about how Moist stole the show at Dr. Horrible Live. Passes! $15 to Ben Wolf. Ben Wolf to Chair. (write Iphone app to control committee from Iphone)

Increase the Speed of Light

Shawn who had to pass a course in general relativity: aaaaaaaaaah! C+1 what you did there. In zpsarks apartment, there was a discussion relating speed of late to world. Official units Furlongs per Fortnight. Ad hod imaginary speed of light. iC. Changed to the C++ committee. In the correct units, the speed of light is one. ++ing it is 1, squared is 4. Going to be sitting in that class you hate, four times as long. Catch Tachyons in Cardboard boxes. In Favor: Hand wave very fast. Opposed: Freeze in place Abstaining: Stack of Officers $31 to Krieger and Rauhit. Everyone who likes c++ to chair.

Motion to create the "If you Can't say anything nice" committee

Purpose: Don't say anything at all. Both Liz's very own and unitarian Jihad. Approve. A committees whose goal is supposed to do an impossible act of science sold for twice as much as Glisson did at the useless person auction. Silent auction. And it chairs? Two things Tarsis can't tolerate: People who make fun of other people's cultures and the Dutch. Injudicious Exclamation: ___ In Favor: Wave Arms like this! Opposed: Wave Arms like this! Abstaining: Wave Arms like THIS! $9 to Liz. Liz and Labbott and Cswayer to chair.

=Duckies Committee

Purpose: Duckies Changed to Bunnies Suppose Kitties riding Rumbas? Talks like a rabbit, sounds like a rabbit. Its a duck. Weigh same as a duck. In Favor: Lolcat. Opposed: fail. Abstain: Porno Squid. $4 to Labbott: Drew and Labbott to Chair.

Help Nicole Up Committee

Purpose: Help Nicole Up Matthew Felt Glisson Memorial Committee: Keep it up. Name changed to Find or Build Nicole a Levitation Devise. In Favor: Raise Jared's hand. Opppsed: Arc of the Convenant Joke. Abstaining: Like THIS without hitting anyone. $1 to Shawn. Chair will be the devise on which she sits.

Stop Breaking Science Committee

Purpose: Keep the speed of light where it is and stop using American Units. Seems counter to booth theme. Haribol approves of the first. Speed of light will always be one meter a second. Portal Gun strong disapproves. Inverse Non-integer whole numbers. English system. Pound mass. Pound mass does not exist. but is used on a regular basis. They have Newtons, we have Slugs. Type theory bar joke prefers units. In Favor: Propose a way to break science. Opposed: Mess with the current way of measurement. Abstaining: abstain. $10 to Quxuum. Quxuum and Shawn to Chair.

Renamed Martin Luther Memorial King Jr Committee to the Weird Dream's Committee

Owner disapproves.

Martin Luther Memorial Committee

95 problems, pope ain't one. 95 thesis out of this university and nailed them a door, the door would collapse. Hired someone to carry an axe, would it be a thesis defense. In Favor: Not in favor, do something else. I mean, raise hand. Opposed: Other hand Abstaining Both Hands $9 to Sully. Sully and Martin Luther to chair. ALL OF THEM.



Useless person auction.

Puzzle hunt!


Allegheny Observatory this semester -- interested?


Tarsis has a voice blog about sex.

Ben Wolf is halfway through the reign of terror.

Glisson is writing an RPG which takes place on campus. Needs students to be NPCs. Interested in helping Glisson out? Read his post to a bboard.

Dollhouse at eight.