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Revision as of 16:30, 28 October 2013
Broman had a weekend started with ctfws which was awesome and went really well then an r7 party then a booth meeting then football and NO WORK Caroline had a weekend it was awesome started with ctwfs in one game went to jail 8 times had an interview today! new people! bryan (frosty), math, north of nyc, has played videogames JRAM had a weekend involved a lot of similar things standard low energy CAPTURE THE FLAG WITH STUFF r7 party first 7 wonders in a while EVENT halloween party! 7:00 friday porter A18* be costumes Marlena had a weekend there was a last minute art field trip! it was excellent maybe potential for money dollars ctfws was great except for the bit with running in heels hung out with folks from far away homework got done? Zora had a weekend CtFwS was great! surprising no one on Saturday repeated the now annual tradition of watching Under the Red Hood on while R7 parties are happening Saturday was great Work must have happened on Sunday, because it got done but not enough work got done surprising no one Dillon had a week and a weekend and whatever autograder broke, fixed it ctfws then party all was fun Mike had a weekend ctfws had a moment with caroline in the jail with mutual keying caroline got a flag got homework done by 5pm on saturday and then pancakes that tasted like childhood
ad hoc I miss my home state in New York there must be an outlet every 6 ft on every wall illust journalist will report via proxy this week mysterious forces are sending messages come to the harvest, there you will find ancient answers to ancient questions ad hoc r7 shenanigans eforney is now 8 for 9 on licking noses insomnia success last night and the night before mis ap committee to burn down r7 failure ad hoc overheard at ctfws [to be added, all of these are beautiful] ad hoc for those who don't know broman wrote an essay about doors misap dkirby nightmare in dreamland: what yoga flame doorway ctfws IN YOUR TERRITORY NOT IN YOUR TERRITORY Storytelling Committee The Dudebird (it's a dick joke) ad hoc culinart and diversity worlds of flavor is serving american food tonight cheddar is a dish the committee caroline made a while ago about costumes woooo costume party on friday! (costumes are optional but please wear clothes) mashup Train on Me "Wow." "It's really good." costume committee suggestion: go as a friend commmittee to think up interesting committees beforehand: failure ad hoc tables have turned: treasurer owes frieder money
The Thing! the think not getting passed on is not frieder's fault
the last committee dkirby will ever buy: $10? the committee to make money for the kgb disapproves change purpose to $30 change last to second to last in purpose passed max bid committee: challenge accepted change purpose $5 for every stupid thing dkirby has ever said PASSES $20 to McGinnis, dkirby shall chair recreational essay writing: to provide weekly prompts for those interested in having fun you should submit those to pravda you should submit that to r/writing prompts change name to parks and recriational etc passes b-KAW wachow $2 to frieder, anyone who writes for fun and he will chair interpretive dance: change name to explaining soft scifi committee fails can this committee explain interpretive dance? it makes so much sense now change name to proof by undergrad math class fails change name invalid how do you feel about tai chi is there a such thing as uninterpretive dance are these the droids you're looking for ad hoc you're standing right behind me: i have no idea what's going on is there a such thing as misinterpretive dance? can I pet your invisible cat? interpretive dance and argument interp and argument dance edition aka section GG show me where the light touched you PASSES $4 to McGinnis, disbanded pickle book: to be dillostory spont shark pun: approves change purpose to dillon's story passes how does this committee feel about purple pickle juice ad hoc ccolombo's facination: dillon! how does this committee feel about peter piper's peppers? in 1842 in california, there was a family of dill pickles they had a son he went on to do many things this is his story how does this committee feel about cucumbers? no $3 to caroline, she and dillon and drewdles will chair motion to nominate eforney as the new thomas no interpret dance: to incorrectly interpret marlena's dances do the yoga flame motions count? yes the intent of the essay that ethan wrote for fun states that if the artist had an intention, it's never relevent later so it's impossible to misinterpret except for the doogie how does v hills, sideways, and i don't know what this is THE HILLS ARE ALIVE WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC marlena's next assignment is to pick a crazy song to lipsync so people can interpret it ad hoc misinterpretation and bad arguments: success how does this committee feel about the hokey pokey? yes? how does this committee feel about twerking twerking is the representation of-- --OF THE BUTT but is your heart in it? anatomically no PASSES $4 to Mike, marlena will chair committee for ccolombo's fascination: to fascinate ccolombo why do we want to put 8 of them together? that would be weird fasten 8 mis ap committee to give scorri more sugar: success the duck 7 wonders spaghetti spaghet ethan did it PASSES $4 to skye, all those who fascinate ccolombo will chair adorable assasinations: to think up cute ways to kill people or dispose of remains apparently a lady's puppy chewed through her foot while she was asleep adorable puppies! john wilkes booth is adorable ad hoc committee to assassinate the president let's drown broman in cotton candy how does this committee feel about rubius hagrid they're interested in collaborating ecoli is ADORABLE one of their favorite methods is: freezing a body then building a snowman about it when the spring comes there will be lots of people standing very still $2 to frieder, working on it will chair motion to make an allocation not to exceed $50 for this event interpretting mike's handwriting: bulunce the dance if impeeible bulunce the rice of impeeible bulunce skye's driver's license said she was born in 1866 did mike write "I just want to be stoned"? are those even letters? $5 to frieder, mike will chair motion to create the out of order committee: motion to create the out of bruce sharkstein: to replace words in lyrics with shark shaaark shark, do do, do do do do change name to shell sharkverstein fails goin' off the rails on a SHARK nanananananananananana SHARK na, na, na, nananana, SHARK carry on my wayward SHARK how does this committee feel about sharknado? cautions approval how does this committee feel about sharkano? cautions approval how does this committee feel about resold tickets at an inflated price yes all you need is SHARK SHARKlights, SHARKlights I wanna be the very SHARK I like big SHARKS and I cannot lie are we humans or are we sharks I'm SHARK and I know it it's just a SHARK to the left cause every girl crazy 'bout a SHARK dressed man PASSES $4 to JRAM, he will chair
EVENT Halloween! bring board games there will be candy reminder to pay for committees you buy booth meeting yesterday it went well meetings are sundays at 3:00, porter A18A that's where you do input on booth (or facebook) next week is finalizing floorplans and roof hight, and doing plot things
ITR saturday! wean 4 at 10 pm it's kind of like mafia without talking and with running stever haunted house between 8 and 10 at least one of the floors is gonna be awesome the all university orchestra is having a bakesale in the UC on thursday and friday conjuring will be showing this weekend thanks to people who came to the SDC party! Red Sox! Buggy!
purple and gtfo