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Meeting 8/29

kevin: snake on plane

twain: Austin stayed inside


John Carlo, he/him, ECE, Massachusetts, No long pants in Pittsburgh club, ate cheerios

daniel, he/him, MSE, New York, typed message on keyboard

Spencer, he/him, ECE, walked here

Ishan , he/him, Math, saw someone drop Ipad

David - he/him, uses soap to wash hands

Anthony - he/him, po economics, long island, italian

Alexis she/her, Connecticut, left handed

(If you’re reading these for some reason and I got anything wrong let me know esp. name spelling, I am guessing)

Charles: had lunch w/billionaire, got internship

POTLUCK IN THE PARK - bring food, friends, Sept 7 6 pm at Black Chairs in UC freshmen do not have to bring food

Izzy: worked as a maintenance tech near house, painted various fences,

Julia: worked as a lifeguard, stopped idiocy? near water

Howard: Lived in Canada, airport adventure

Kaylie not present - spent later half genociding flies

Committee Reports

Adhoc It gon’ rain - it rained

Mis. corn subsidies - $6.83

It has rained - annoyeed

furry appreciation etc. - soon….

floor is lava committee- no lava

adhoc face blindness committee - Julia is not Kaylie

Misappropriated face blindness committtee - McKenna is not new

Spirit of thing to Anthony - not at fault for downpour


Tim - discussion of ad hoc study for finals committee “try to stop procrastinating”

prospect - motion to table for one week

Twain- table until December 1st

been changed

Alexis - changed to next next December 1st (2023)

Passed, been tabled

Another new Persons!!!

Nicholas - nick he/him, ECE, Houston then Scotland for past four years, has not had fruit

April - she/her, SCS, freshman, Bay area, five fingers per arm


Tim- it is now later meeting

Howard - Table until following Dec 31st

Passed, been tabled

From jan 31st - standing rule, that procrastination committee cannot be tabled past ____________

Failed by acclimation


Anthony - motion to create committee to define words - purpose to define words

twain: wtf is oatmeal

tim: what is “is”

Sold for 6$ to David

Chaired by Joe Biden

NEW PERSON: Avery (sorry I missed that)

Clarified that standing rules sat down

Howard: undefined words committee “divide by zero”


chaired by “flargle”

sold to Julia for 2$ 

Izzy: motion to define mealblock as amount on the register

Ammend to 4$? - most common price for a mealblock

twain - motion to ammend price of block to 4$

howie - committee like corn subsidies board? (point of discussion)

Passed - motion to #define mealblock as 4$

Daniel - ammend to most recent bid in block market channel in 2026 discord

McKenna - bids made by people in the room

Twain - hard to define most recent, manipulation is possible, access to discord

Izzy - ammend to capping at 12$

Howie- plz fail to have committee to report instead

Ammendment failed

Anthony - motion to table motion to #define mealblock as 4$ for 5 minutes


Howie- CMealblockchain committee - report price of mealblock for meetubg

Tim - replace name with “literally anything else”

Anthony - replace with “Dinex Daddies”

Twain - “Block Bretheren” committee

Prospekt - “Super Block Bros Committee”

“Block Bond Committee”

Izzy - “Super Block Bros and Knuckles”


Sold for $8.20 to Nick, Chaired by Himself

Anthony - motion to name Elise’s (new) plant Nick Cage



  1. define mealblock “deferred to super block bros and Knuckles committee” - passed been referred - $4.13 today

Prospekt - misappropriated plant committee - misappropriate any unowned plants in meeting to Elise

Sold to Anthony for $1.03, chaired by plant, notably not named Nick Cage

Izzy - Motion to have elise name the plant, not friendly

McKenna - motion to #define plant aunt as someone who sees plant in Elise’s room

Twain - Gender neutral alternative?

Elise - defined as view or visit McKenna - View

Kira - Ammend to Plant Ant

Been changed

  1. defining plant ant as someone who enters elise’s room and sees plant


Tim - motion to purple

McKenna - motion to Mauve

Twain - seafoam green

Howie- motion to subocean blue

Twain - motion to chartreuse

Tim - motion to eggshell white

Izzy - motion to ugly shade of green

Anthony - motion to pastel blue

Daniel - motion to stygian blue

Tim - motion to stare at 2 Veep

Charles - motion to allocate 69$ 420c for this week’s event

Anthony - $4.20 or 42c

Summit cola not expressly excluded

Charles would like to be allowed to buy Summit Cola or get Costco membership

Passed - no Summit Cola

Passed - money for food


- Exec meetings - Sundays, can come and see, let us know

- Event, bring self, friends, food, can bring summit cola, meet at UC Black Chairs, free if you don’t bring

- Dues - 25$, will get you 5$ off shirts, pay to Howie, the treasurer


Elise- please register to vote in PA , please vote for Fetterman and Shapiro, deadline to register Oct. something, vote.pa.gov , mail in application, can do as a college student

Twain- Take their stucos, 98140 Mathemagic card tricks, card tricks and proofs, 98129 principles of dysfunctional programming, poor programming practices

Charles - Next Next event is Underground tour, tour around campus, if you’re interested in holding signs (returning students) let exec know, Sept 9th 7 pm UC Black Chairs

Charles - Linguistics club, words are weird, link posted in discord Schmucks channel, Fridays 4:30 pm in Baker

Tim - motion to creat out of order committee

Anthony - has a song, on most streaming services, synthpop, will be
McKenna GTFO