From KGB Wiki
MINS 12.11.2017
OFF REPS dylan- Slept, tried not to think about exams
Katie- Water gun kinda worked "Ian"(Fable)- Ellen- Flaherty Journey is over forever (also there's Pravda) Joe- So many line Puzzles
Com Reps
Non-Canon Zelda Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love Now it's a dating sim but with Tingles Hide whiteboards under rangos -Lack of success
The Thing- Cam: Exams
Dokie-okie lit com Purp: Read books, learn about each other's dark secrets PASSED $2 Liam chair: DISBANDED REMEMBER ME committee Purp: I'm Fef POSTPONED (6 months) Stuff to do over Winter Break Com Purp: Lose yourself in the internet instead of talking to your family Winter marble-lympics in Feb We don't know if the Russian marbles are dis-invited PASSED $2 Fable Chair:? Super Heroine Committee Purp: Using bugs to make better drugs Bork's Bug Bonds approves Bugs on drugs approves Com of the whole is redundant? PASSED $2 Fable Gospel accodring to word-count Purp: Any piece of written text is scripture proportionate to length of text "Second coming of Melee" "I believe only in the first 151 religions" PASSED $1 Joe
EVENT HAVE (Geek eat)