From KGB Wiki
Dez - Did dnd, had questionable actions and relationships with everyone else Kaylie - Had a weekend, it was carnival so she made sprite grenadines and watch movies. Learned how to make curtains Mitchell - Played Fiasco, and did horrible crimes + things with Jesus the socialist Mckenna - Had a weekend, did homework and played pandemic. We won but the world isn't looking so hot Woody - Missed event, bullshitted a report and it worked?? James - Had a weekend, learned the trolley problem. Watched avatar and slept a lot Kushal - Became house in DND. India extended it's travel bans so I am stuck here even longer
Liam - Oil subsidies boards - According to the regular rules of how auctions were handled with Corn, a bid with oil would be equivalent to $0
Oliver - Shit is had to read with my faceholes + stupid news - The wife of the prime minister of singapore: "He he he, he he he he, hic hic hic hic, :laughing: :cry: :laughing: , etc"
Tim - The Ad hoc oil subsides + it's actually worse than that committee - That would currently be a bid of $-22, because oil futures dropped over 300% today, because economics are weird. When you make too much and don't have space in your reservoir, sometimes you pay people to take it form you.
Kaylie - Cats are stupid - Cat has not left my side, screams constantly, and I think this is because previously she spent 30% of her time around me, upset when I left, and now I can't leave
Liam - Corn Subsidies - Haha, $3.14
Woody - Hivemind - We will end this report. Better if it is actually horny. End report
Tim - The adhoc numerology committee - Haha, corn is pi dollars on 420 2020 banana fanna fo funty
Kate - Things I had to see with my faceholes - Literally nothing interesting. I forgot to find something exciting for this group, and I've been searching desperately since Oliver's report.
Kaylie - Read your fucking emails - No one is sending me their fucking emails :frowning:
Liam - Puzzle hunt committee - It's this saturday, you nerds should do it
Oliver - POI, liam you have proxy lab due this week
Who has the thing? James Who wants the thing? Kaylie What's not her fault? Anything that happens in elections today. Everything else, including all other elections, postponing elections, and everything else is her fault this week. Nice job Kaylie
Orders of the day: 1. From Nov 11, motion to grant emergency powers to the supreme chancellor Kushall accepts! LMAO Passed, kushal is in control now! Henry is gone
2. From Feb 10, procrastination committee with purpose I'll think about that later Woody - Motion to table until the next annual meeting Passed, been tabled
Tim - On behalf of the procotors of the election, we'll get started Candidates will be given 1 minute to give a speech, for each position they are nominated for. The color of elections is purple. We go through in rank order. Voting members are members of good standing, and we'll go through the members and let them know This will be secret ballot, but authenticated No snazzy souvenirs :frowning: We'll use google forms for this ballot, and you'll rank all the candidates in order of preference. 1 candidate per number, 1 number per candidate We'll use single transferrable vote to determine who gets what spots Any questions?
Are you neutral, or do you just appear neutral? - We're neutral as a board, but do not have to be neutral for our individual votes
Elections results: - President: Dez - 1VP: Kaylie - 2vp: James - Corsec: Kushal - Recsec: Sawyer (Goodbye world! 2019-2020 Recsec signing off)
-Recsec: Sawyer! (Hello world! 2020- ) -Treasurer: Mckenna -S@A - Oliver
Dez report - Learned polar bear facts Kaylie Report - Cat jumpscare James report - election happened event: Kahoot details: Soon^tm Kushal Report: threw himself off stairs for tradition submit to Pravda? Sawyer- has access: won't be good Mckenna report - dog barks, forgot lunch Oliver report - elected (dubiously), takes bribes thru venmo
motion to set dues: $20 for the year, $15 for spring semester passed
Motion to Exec Discretionary fund ($500) Oliver - how much was spent in prev. year? James - under $100 (new CTFWS stuff, website fixes) year before that, $110 -passed
-Kushal: Motion to Polar Bear Facts com ->provide most important info abt bears Liam - motion to rename to hunt humans for sport Kushal - friendly passed - sold to Kushal for $1
meeting time unknown Event: Kahoot! don't show up in person pls
Liam- attend puzzlehunt or upset Liam Woody: comfortable Kaylie - S.O.D is hosting that is so raven on twitch starts friday post-kahooitus Tim: appreciate an excessive setup of laptops Kate - POI for new exec (2VP) Motion to Gitfo, purple, cfoam green