had a weekend GRAD SCHOOL also farts
had a weekend we had TWO BATMANS at the event new people worms, econ at pitt, monroeville, not through the window
had a weekend started with the event (sentinels!!) went to another party where he was ALSO in costume and played sentinels EVENT kgb digs its own grave 7:00, breed hall, friday
it's karaoke
go see the announcement at the bottom
had a weekend finished a sweater
it was too small now it's a cat bed
it's november so she's knitting another sweater
had a weekend comp is crap IS PRINTING A BOOK
had a weekend involved a surprising amount of uke lots of shell (?) p-p-p-p-puns
had a weekend got to make dumb puns on his costume also ITR! lots of new people! ran the whole thing himself all the compilers all the syntax had to check to see if his birthday was in fact tomorrow
swear of the week fuck sticks free food distribution committee
murphy walked out tf the uc with a scone put it in his bike basket biked here it was gone there is a scone on the mall
roomba army
zhhhhhhh dodododoot doDOO
visit the director of the fbi while he's still here
if you weren't already on a list, you are now
disbanded michael c murphy memorial committee
murphy made his job in the cmu directory "not the vice-president of student affairs"
the Thing!
missing a midterm is not redwana's fault this week
committee to find the real difference between math and logic PASSES $1 to maddy, owen will chair
motion to make an allocation not to exceed $1 for owen
joe is the treasurer! zero dollars does not exceed 1 dollar mike doesn't want to set precedent with this committee motion to table indefinitely
FAILS winner of this committee receives a hundred dollars: winner of this committee receives a hundred dollars, second place receives nothing
motion to append "from the official bank of zimbabwe" to the purpose they just use USD now everyone's an economist!
PASSES $?? to afalk committee on second person shooters: to create a genre of video games in which you play the person getting shot
isn't this a first person shooter no: you switch to the person ABOUT to die, and you're the bad guy so you can't fight for shit as a game designer, marlena thinks that this is just a FPS where you're losing we should make this our booth booth committee points out that we still have time to change our theme motion to change this committee to "give a million kids to owen" PASSES motion to clarify that the kids are goat kids PASSES there's a service where you can just hire someone to bring goats to eat your lawn we are now in purple
PASSES $?? to harry, ?? will chair committee to give owen 10 millon pet rocks: to make owne in charge of an international provider of gravel and paving stones
note: not the committee to get owen stoned motion to change name to "give owen 10 million rock pets" afalk has the relevant rock owen says "acceptable" PASSES yarnivores stole a rock motion to add to the purpose "and also bread rolls" so he can get rocks and rolls PASSES
PASSES $2 to owen, owen will chair everyone's an economist: to make sure that that never happens again
erin played monopoly once, she knows how money works fun fact, the banker is supposed to screw you over tim played monopoly once, he knows how money works worms is an actual economics student, he has no idea about how money works we are all adults: we do not know (nika's not) that cool hack you found about embezzlement? that's fraud life hacks: commit crime change name to "KGB commits white collar crime" PASSES motion to append to the purpose "money isn't real" FAILS change name to "kgb commits purple collar crimes. it's a little more, you know, cool." PASSES change name to "kgb commits really fancy turnt up collar crime because you know, we're going somewhere nice tonight" PASSES fuck all of you motion to whatever nah how does this committee feel about three polos, ALL with the collars popped that's not very economical, is it?
PASSES $2 to kelly, the director of the nsa will chair not the 90s: wow we're slow
there's this really cool new way to store your viles it's a square, it has a little flappydoo that's a typo up there and i do not care change name of the committee to "not the 90s!!!!" this is technically from the 2000s, but it was forever ago so whatever harry's school computer got a virus that would spew confetti whenever you opened word change name to "actually the 80s, with a bush and a clinton running and also a new star wars movie" motion to replace "clinton" with "decaucus" how do you spell old white many names when did the 90s become a concept? the 80s actually as soon as the decade rolls over motion to change the puropse to "the gay 90s" PASSES
PASSES $3 to joe, the gay 90s will chair why i paid attention in middle school english: new vocab word: hore
spelled "hore" but erin paid attention the DOCTOR'S named frankenstein, not the monster kelly has had teachers named Ms. hor and ms butt the teacher for erin's class never committed an outfit once nick's teacher did that with superhero tshirts mike aspires to that
PASSES $1 to erin, erin's english teacher will chair socially unacceptable transportation: skipping is better than running
heelies if you don't alternate legs, it becomes galloping cooler and better rickshaw but the seat is made out of people also car-skateboarding interpret that as you may GLENN'S DAD WOULD THREATEN TO MAKE THEM DO THAT glenn called his bluff and he got scared we make a bus, like the flinstones, but the passengers run it pedal pubs. that is all harry saw one in pgh where everyone was wearing different colored wigs erin's grandmother used to do the car skateboard thing with sledding change purpose to "breeding dogs large enough to ride" instead of "skipping" they only have to be big enough to carry espy there are totally dogs big enough we've succeeded
PASSES $1 to erin, erin and any one who goes on a pedal pub tour with her motion to make an allocation not to exceed $50 for supplies for the event
stupid history committee: skye reported from it earlier but it doesn't exist
change COMMITTEE to "stupid history: facts are for kids" PASSES you'll never guess what warren g harding named his penis jerry (james poke) no really, it's jerry it's on the record he wrote smutty fucknotes with all the women he was having affairs with like james joyce but funnier motion to make next week's swear of the week "smutty fucknotes" the swear of the week committee approves aaron burr once set himself on fire by trying to light a candle with a gun johnson wwas known for dropping his pants to try to intimidate people he was known as a great negotiator is that what he named his penis no he named it jumbo change name to "historical dick jokes" passes change name to "historical dick truths" PASSES note: purpose is still "facts are for kids" "facts are for kids, but like, goat kids" we're on a list
PASSES $4 to afalk, afalk, skye, and kate beaton will chair
EVENT we dig our own graves aka we sing friday, 7pm, breed hall CTFWS capture the flag with stuff next week! you can find info about it on our website, or rules.cmukgb.org we suggest you do actually look at the rules if you wanna judge, email exec.cmukgb.org espy drew a cuttlefish (dick fish) shirts and sweatshirts! murphy is going to post a form to order them tonight! sweatshirts my actions prices will be on the form, and a link to the picture we still have scarves so just...ask someone for those buggy and ctfws shirts will be next semester we have some letters in the office DUES if you pay your dues, you get a discount $15 for a semester, $20 for the year booth theme is octodad! meetings on sundays, ph a18*, 1:30
brunch erin gets brunch at schatz! 10:30 on sunday spaghetti???? mirantis by the campus deli it's good go there demosplash this weekend come hang! in gates hillman friday night, all day saturday chiptune concert on friday at 9:30 in rashid harry is djing sometime between 10 and 12 he doesn't know where it is or exactly when he'll post on facebook! banghra in the burgh this weekend! this is a good time to go see it. we're really good. erin and kelly are stage managing puzzlehunt THIS WEEKEND noon to 8 on saturday allies hair dying sunday, 7pm, 420A in cfa they're meeting at cfa to walk over