From KGB Wiki
Minutes 9.25.2017
If you haven't paid dues last year or this year and want to vote on whether to do booth, you need to have paid this meeting.
Dylan -Parents in town, Bomb lab eternally Katie -Sickness, death, robohell, scc bad at job Ian -Played DDR and hibernated Quinn -#thefuckingworst Dez -More time on rules playing 7 wonders than actually playing Joe -Ice in mouth Kate -Woke up yesterday, did not do anything but laundry with a million assignments
True Apple Facts -Not a member of the rose family Stupid History -Cato the Younger: phillibustered for 6 months, was hated False History -Kaiser Wilhelm: Avid user of vine All math should be done in esperanto -I am a grown man who needs to say "clopen" regularly Assassinate the President -Was bomblab successful at assassinating the president Assassinate the president -Closed to melee range Mememto Mori -Remember to die, henry
THE THING -Rauen: Jasper is not my fault. Orders of the day -Jack shit
Mouthful of Ice -Purp: Pretty much that -New Name: Mouthful of Vanilla Ice -New name/purp: Mothful of Bees/Mothfull of Vanilla Bees -Newpurp: Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz -Newpurp: Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (but it's zed) -Newpurp: Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy -PASSED -$3 Mady -Chair: Anyone who's ever accidentally swallowed an insect Centrism Committee -Purp: There's no difference between good and bad things -TABLED FOR A YEAR Motion to Ban "tabling for a year" -Now: motion to construe "tabling for a year" -Now: Motion to consture "tabling for a year" as creating the out of order committee -FAILED Motion to motion to make Committee -Purp: to make some -Newname/Newpurp: Motion to bake committee/to bake some -Missappropriated KGBaking: yikes -Newname: Standing Rule to bake committee/to bake some -FAIL Motion to the Left Motion to make the Bflat major Committee -Purp: *Trombone noises* (no literally Hal played the trombone) -Newpurp: Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy -Hal has been transposed down one whole step -Newname: Hot Cross Buns Committee -Newpurp: Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy a cover of hot cross buns as by Shosticovich -PASSED -$3 Quinn -Chair: Horrible flimsy Orchestral Chair Musiscian Fightclub Committee -Purp: Watching Trombone and Cowbell Players duke it out in realtime -Newname/Purp: ""/"" -Newname: Empty Stringplayer -Warcriminal Assoc. reports success -PASSED -$4 Quuxom -Chair: Woodwinds Poorly named CS Terms -Purp: It should be called "Arbitrary Access Memory" -Newname/Purp: PoorlyDYNAMICPROGRAMMINGnamedDYNAMICPROGRAMMINGCSDYNAMICPROGRAMMINGTerms/ItDYNAMICPROGRAMMINGshouldDYNAMICPROGRAMMINGbeDYNAMICPROGRAMMINGcalledDYNAMICPROGRAMMING"ARBITRARYDYNAMICPROGRAMMINGAccessDYNAMICPROGRAMMINGMemory" -PASSED -$? Matt ???????? idk I missed a committee ????????? -something somethign hotcrossbees -PASSED -$3 Katie -Chair: KGBees Motion to allocate funds -Objection by Henry for "fiscal conservatism" -"I'll give you a fistfull of conservatism" -$150 allocated as originally intended, no thanks to Henry Committee to Assissinate the Presidential Assassination Committee -Purp: Get larger and larger trash cans for Henry to eat snacks out of until it becomes comical -Newname: Henry Memorial Committee -PASSED -$6 Quuxom -Chair: Intersection of the assissination committees
Find the event, we lost it??? Friday 7pm if you want clothes email exec@cmukgb.org Booth vote is next mtg, come to mtg If you wanna be a boothchair, tell exec Zombies starts on Oct 8. See Matt or Dylan if you want to advertise or mod. Signup will start probalby this week. mthomps@andrew, dtv@andrew Exec mtg -> UC 329
Dylan runs 1-shots, Miami Sudamonarchia is happening, if you wanna play ping dylan on Facebook or at dtv@andrew