Officer reports
- james had a good weekend
junkmail — 09/06/2021 2:43 PM
hold the fuck up
where is the meeting
is it a14
kmcarpen — 09/06/2021 2:43 PM
junkmail — 09/06/2021 2:43 PM
ok give me literally 5 minutes
kmcarpen — 09/06/2021 2:43 PM
- I went michigan bc anniversary. ren faire was both geekier and cooler than expected
- sawyer got stung in the throat
-by a bee
kevinson — 09/06/2021 2:44 PM
- had a weekend, went to aviary, omw but am garbage and might be even later
kmcarpen — 09/06/2021 2:44 PM
- *wasp
- He'll live
- Oliver couldn't think of anything
- Kushal took the GRE
- Potluck should have started at 6. We are dumb
- But also short and sweet events can be good. Less darkness would be nice though
- Meeting was good Good jokes keep making those
- James can be there at 4:15
- Kaylie and Oliver can set up
- its Thursday 3:30pm to 6:30
junkmail — 09/06/2021 2:50 PM
- Are we cleared on UG?
--wednesday meeting, that might be too early
--maybe plan for it to get OKed, pivot on wednesday?
---everyone is Too Fucking Busy
--best option to maybe push it back a week, because we're probably fine
--what is going on with slice honestly
---nothing makes sense with the covid rules
--swapsies instead?
--GEE BEE GEE CEE instead this week
--so moved
-we can't grill
junkmail — 09/06/2021 2:58 PM
-- what do we do instead?
-- chippo bags
-- jimmyjohns or something?
--- way too expensive, idk how many people
-- GBGC afterwards is the wrorng tone
--- marshmallow roast?
--- where's our fire
-- let's get some slice approved coffee
- script rewrites are important
-they wanted the podium
--wow old kgb was way mroe wild
--stop reading my fucking minutes on james's screen
-- we need a megaphone
-actually do scropt readingn sunday