snooping as usual i see
fuck the poljice
jimothy: had a weekend
kaycee: got caught up on reading challenge, read 20 books
paul: not here
keith: enjoyed daylight savings
lee: panicked about puzzle hunt. do puzzle hunt
old liver: got shot 3 times
console: played a drinking game which was just the hivemind committee
it was good i think
video'd james
this event
sawyer saluted
we will place our trust in paul
sawyer texted
-sawyer can handle it
cut a fwuss
rules comm - keerthana and tim want in
- manually pings maybe
- james keerthana tim kaylie kushal
- ping woody and mckenna
-- rules meeting post covid meeting?
- ctfws website woo
-space mexico tequila
-- get a booth stool
--- kaylie should go first
-we need 10 people to do giving tuesday
-sounds like 🥖
-- no time for page
✔️ 🆙
-when 2 meet is going out