Officer Reports
Jared: No longer as three separate dogs. Just one dog.
Glisson: Doing pretty well. Lots of work but enjoying it.
Carolyn: Wrestled with paper submission stuff.
Nicole: Spent time trying to do homework.
Drew: Code that doesn't work isn't fun.
Laura: Work. Arghblarg.
Liz: TOC. Wasn't going to go but is going to go.
Serious Business
Event: Money has been allocated for juice boxes and cookies and bubbles. Rain plans? yes. But it shouldn't rain.
Next week event: Want to get the pool. ??? Backup Event: Movie night? Movie night in pool? Improv? Karaoke? Improv Karaoke? Karaoke if we don't get the pool.
Rerecognization: Needs to be done
Back to pool. 1 lifeguard for less than 25 people, 2 for more than 25. Need 2. $10 per lg per hour. So make even 7-10. Pool provides life guards.