From KGB Wiki
Officer Reports
Jboning Relaxed some this weekend Slept for 14 hours, then spent time alone Lots of masturbation jokes Eforney Didn't sit alone in her room Had AUO concert, which was fun Not much work, going home tomorrow Term paper due next week. No new people We sing happy birthday to Andrew Carnegie and are terrible - he's 175 Zsparks Still has the ability to write a 6-page paper in 2 hours Never realized there was a door in the back of the room Arsenij As of friday, hadn't slept in 3 days Has a legitimate job offer, did an interview, but maybe it's a shitty job because of a bad business plan He single-handedly rewrote the guy's business plan Got cookies from scorri's mother His laptop is still broken submit to pravda Twright Did literally zero work Advance wars Was choked by Zsparks Looking forwards to thanksgiving Scorri Has no work due until after thanksgiving Looking forwards to thanksgiving Threatens the lives of exec, especially Bubbles, Twright, and Zsparks Bubbles Classic gaming, super bomberman, saw harry potter Laughed at an inappropriate moment in harry potter, it was great Booth meeting, we have a floorplan!
Committee Reports
Don't worry it's for science says zombies are gone, stop killing CS majors! Oh shit what have I done committee says no they are not Quote of the night committee says what are you doing to that pineapple Pop occultism committee makes jokes with fortune cookies Forgetful 2vp committee reports there is an event! Movie night! Time travel committee has a dr who scarf Shawn & Quuxum variety hour says any movie after 1991 is crap Fortune-telling fish committee says Jboning will be a good trophy Committee to waste time congaing starts a conga line Committee to use the KGB as a groundhog for winter says congrats on making through to spring Storytelling committee tells a story about winter is going to suck hard, it is the anniversary of JFK's assassination, tells story about 9/11, Richard Feynman
Old Business
Mary Kate has the thing - airport security is not her fault
New Business
Create the Zen Committee to Everyone shouts funny things about Zen Sold to Shawn for $20, chairs everyone with the buddha-nature Create the TSA Committee to handle more packages than UPS People may want to opt-out from the scanner Most of TSA people don't want to touch you We have a vaguely serious discussion about TSA screening Sold to twright for $6, chairs me and anyone who likes groping people under any context Create the sound effect committee to encourage the recsec to create sound effects with his laptop Sold to mbritton for $7, DISBANDED Allocate $50 for someone else to buy stuff for the event - it's a good idea - dbesse will do it Create the never enough blue committee to you are always wearing a sub-optimal number of shades of blue Change purpose to "dabu-dee dabu-dai dabu-dee dabu-dah" Change name to "never enough drew" Let the record show twright said "bro" unironically Sold to tvaughan for $12, chairs Drew Besse Create the trolling math committee to proof by divine intervention 251 torture committee approves So much math and category theory wanking OH MY GOD SO MUCH MATH WANKING DURING BIDDING Sold to dan kirby for $43, chairs TROGDOR
Event! Movie night! come if you're around
Klipper is having an anti-thanksgiving dinner on friday Keller is running some RPGs over finals week Aballard is not coming back after thanksgiving. :( he has a lot of affection for us and is sad that he will be gone