TwrightOfficer reports
jboning -graded 410 stuff = pretty cool -art museum pun
eforney -was off in Latin Land -9 hours -no new noobs -election campaign puns -John Boehner = from West Chester, OH, her hometown
zsparks -pretty good I guess -board games -bar -buggy -not sleep -IU vs. Northeastern for grad school -astronaut pun
Arsenij -mostly uneventful -reading and essays and tragedy -zombie apocolypse/Hell pun -SUBMIT TO PRAVDA?
twright -sick :( -Thomas looks a lot like Xander -coughed up lungs -worked on Booth -Hillel -Ruthless pun
scorri -people at scorri's door -maintenance doods -there's a breaker box in scorri's room oh god... --there's mass potential here --current affairs --watt are you talking about? -nerf guns and boffer swords forever -boffer we couldn't reuse pun -coins
Bubbles -YEAHHHHH -24 hour play festival! -Sammy Jelin fell asleep in the shower -witnessed the aftermath of the bank robbery we were alerted of via CMU alert --getaway bus? taxi? what's the best vehicle here? -New York Times article pun
TwrightCommittee Reports
Shawn & Quuxum Variety Hour w/ Shawn -new office on Craig St. for Shawn who has been here forever --no more corner office :( -tape drives ruh roh
SUPER w/ eforney -Patrick White, Midway chair, says our booth chairs are super legit
Booth w/ kharring -we have a floor! --well almost all of a floor -look at the bboard, we're doing stuff over break -art meeting on Tuesday IN THE KAGE IN 8PM (note the changes)
Most Dangerous w/ tbroman -twright won the game!
Guild of Calamitous Intents w/ Jared -submit manifestos to Pravda?
Ad Hoc Perform A Play in 24 Hours (and Lose Your Voice in the Process) w/ Drew -success
251 w/ Drew -oops... check your email
Gratuitious Obscenities (in Foreign Languages) w/ Xander -Icelandic swears
Ad hoc (the same) w/ Colombo -French: I am a pineapple
Sigbovik w/ zsparks -totally serious conference on April 1 -send any papers due Mar. 13 --there's also a second deadline -sigbovik.org
Seek and Replace Ravenstahl for Jcreed w/ Quuxum -sigbovik is cool
Unicode w/ Quuxum -wtf Grat. Obscenities? -are we taking notes in unicode?
Always Late to Kiltie w/ Kelly -free concert, Rangos, 7pm
Storytelling w/ Arsenij -stroytelling? -story of the roses at improv night this year -Arsenij et al passed out roses -in Russia, they ban Valentine's Day -in Japan/Korea, girls give gifts to boys, boys respond to girls a month later --then singles eat noodles 2 months later -Italy, girls creep on people out their windows -different flowers... --Marigold: I like money --Lavender: I distrust you --Gladiolas: strong character --Daffodils: chivalry --Daisies: innocence --Liliacs: first love ---(liliac's disease?) --Roses: different based on color! ---black: death, hatred, I own you ---red: (1) just to you, (2) mutual love, (108) marry meee! ---yellow: friendship, we're cool, unrequited love ---purple: I loved you at first sight, majesty, enchantment ---white: (what Arsenij gave out) innocence, purity, typical wedding flowers, I'm sorry, I'm worthy of you, I miss you
single white rose: PURE LOVE! What Arsenij feels for all of us :D
withered: no impression on me...
Pop Occultism w/ Shawn -fortune cookies --1: remember, if you open a cookie w/o a fortune, you have a future but it's yours for the taking --2: no paper? no future!
Shawn & Quuxum w/ Quuxum --blank? watch out for match game music (3 people got that?)
TwrightOld Business
Pfennig of Pfault -goes to Dan Kirby -not bank robberies are his fault -all else is
TwrightNew Business
Becoming Dragon: An Underdog Story w/ Drew
- Purpose: feed ourselves to servants
-Mary can't run for president, she was born in Denmark --she is an alligator
- For: make an inside jokes
- Opposed: laughter
- Abstain: go to show next year, fools! (Time-Travel reports success)
- Auction: (jbonaparte reports success) $4 to Tim Vaughan
- Chairs: Kuricks
KALIMA!!! w/ Jared
- Purpose: rip out hearts through chests, light them on fire
-finish him! -Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
- Purpose:
- For: KALIMA!!!
- Opposed: laugh like Eckhart
- Abstain: squid
- Auction: $5 to Jared
- Chairs: KALIMA!!! (anyone who wants to shout that)
Markov Generated Pravda? w/ Klipper
- Purpose: let some of Pravda? be Markov generated to sound like KGB members
-just get Sourbot to talk -Sourbot: stfu -where's Markov? -Pravda? Watson Edition! -Markov... POLO!
- Name Change: Sourbot Committee?
-not friendly, not pursued
- For: say something Sourbot might say
- Opposed: say something coherent
- Abstain: get Quuxum's pun late
- Auction: $6 to Quuxum
- Chairs: Ben Wolf and Quuxum
Committees of the Annals w/ tbroman
- Purpose: cite KGB presidents that everyone else has forgottens
- Name Change: ...let's change one character...
-not friendly, not pursued -Sully is a big troll -objection: some of us our old -motion to puppies, totally doesn't work -motion to make the out of order committee -motion to purple! -it became winter
- For: do something KGB-esque
- Opposed: do something unprocedural
- Auction: $11 to tbroman
- Chairs: anyone who wants to change the name to Committee of the Anals
For the Theory and Practice of Oligarchic Collectivism w/ Shawn
- Purpose: ignorance is strength, freedom is slavery, war is peace
-double plus good -computer is your friend -stack grows down -war != peace else Tolstoy wrote a trivial novel
- For: Russian novels
- Opposed: British novels
- Abstain: other novels
- Auction: $2 to scorri
- Chairs: everyone!
Has That Ever Stopped Us Before? w/ Sully
- Purpose: see name
-one day... it should actually stop us -POSTPONED INDEFINITELY! OWNED!!!
allocation: $50 for food for the event -it's a good idea
some crazy shit is going down like postponing Sully
Shenanigans w/ Arsenij
- Purpose: random shenanigans and extensibly true but mostly false purposes afterwards
-this = gen body
- Rename: Martin Luther Memorial Committee
-not friendly, pursued --didn't win -committee to propogate random art on campus -snowth: shen-nan-i-gans! do do dodo!
- For: make an auction bid
- Opposed: what's the purpose?
- Abstain: vote!
- Auction: $14 to Arsenij
- Chairs: Arsenij and anyone who wishes to participate in shenanigans
You're Issues Are Showing w/ Shelby
- Purpose: unveil people's deep-seeded psychological defaults
-James Colmar approves -Alex Falk: my shit is way tormented -hypothesis: never report on Pravda? - those issues are never showing -MONOLOGUING IS TOTALLY NORMAL -what do you call someone who leads weird groups and screams through traffic cones? -salute Glisson -want a lifelong subscription?
- For: hands!
- Opposed: other hands!
- Abstain: JAZZ HANDS!
- Auction: $14 to $15! (actually $14 to Alex Falk)
- Chairs: myself and anyone else whose shit is way tormented
EVENTS w/ zsparks -Movie Night this Friday -bring movies
Shawn's committees go to Quuxum
Booth -art meeting Kage, 8pm Tues.
CtFwS -let's poster (see bboard or make a new one!), it's march 18!
Red Bull? -talk at judges' meeting?
GEagle adventure -ping dbesse@ -second Saturday of spring break
let jvirdo dye your hair! -ping jvirdo@
2 of spades on the cieling!
Rocky Horror -first saturday of break! -ping Klipper
zsparks has tooly hair
Roselawn 7 party -falls on a Jewish holiday called Purim -ALLLLL THE DRINKING -manage your risk, dudes