From KGB Wiki
Officer Reports
Jboning It's barefoot weather! That's it Eforney *chewing* Can never remember anything anymore Is like Bubbles' grandmother Who are you? I don't love you Is in a relationship with Ptolemy Toucan on fb Zsparks Finally got his official rejection from CMU which is okay because he knew for a while :( Got accepted to Indiana and Northeastern Was rejected from Princeton May be in Indiana for the next 4-8 years Arsenij Many exams, getting exams back Has not been a fun week Twright I had a week It's really nice outside Unpleasant Morewood had two fire alarms, which were really annoying 1030 was the earliest I got up this week Scorri About to have a weekend Is in a better mood today than yesterday; is no longer sick and slept a bunch Slept a lot and slept more and was sick and ate a bit and slept Bubbles Is losing the initiative to do things - because of warm and boredom Spring break is soon so that might help Beat this computer game and it made bouncy sprites
Sweatshirts - Jboning is a noob, still needs to do the design; promises to do it by monday
Shirts - Bubbles will include an order for ctfws shirts with sweatshirts, fewer but in the same proportions Room for special meeting - 1112 is reserved for the hour after the normal meeting Next week is Art vs. Science - Zsparks must gather art supplies Make an official announcement about CTFWS - also tell EMTs and campus police: Arsenij Special meeting discussion topic:
Jboning will start out, either he or shawn will tell the story about UPA history
Get people to discuss it, try to build a consensus on the topic It has been shifting towards less stripping; last year was an exception