From KGB Wiki
Officer Reports
eforney Had a weekend! Took the GRE on Friday - it's pretty easy. They say to allot 5 hours, completed in 3 Improv! Saturday: Kiltie Kiltie Kiltie phone throws null pointer exception if you try to use the alarm Sunday: did a lot of stuff for a lot of non-school stuff Bubbles Had a weekend! led Improv night--boatload of fun, boatload of improv (note: the standard unit of improv is a boatload) did not eat Saturday, Jewing it up now has no sins did homework outside, saw shirtless guys sunbathing new people: Alex, undecided (non-CS), Menlo Park CA, is the middle of 3 brothers tvaughan Had a weekend! playtested Aeronauts collected data, found interesting things EVENT! KGB Digs its Own Grave, 7PM Friday. Location pending (now DH A310) mmeyerho Had a weekend! Improv cooked on Saturday, with citrus laser shows Sunday: lots of homework, and lots of homework, and not a lot of sleep has interviews today! wooooo! Submit to Pravda?! tbroman Had a weekend! Lots of fun. Probably wouldn't have been quite so much fun if there wasn't quite so much work to avoid. KGB Presents: KGB Presents: Improv Night was great, disc golf on Sunday may or may not have inspired a children's book called "The Hasty Synonym" ate 5 meals yesterday. Hopefully this means he's no longer sick. Believed 6 impossible things before breakfast this morning kharring Had a weekend! improv Kiltie all day Saturday Sunday: programming interview, 8 hours of programming. Probably not going to work for them, oh well Mad Mex. All the Mad Mex. cshaffer woke up to a party in his apartment paid to perform a wedding ceremony on Saturday didn't go off without a hitch, but that's a good thing helped take a picture of a chalk drawing of a pony stole some baggers?
Committee Reports
The Ad-Hoc Committee to Prevent Presidential Assassinations reports, *shotgun pump-action* "hi guys" ITR Committee reports, ITR Games on Saturday! The Counterpoint, Hawks Are Awesome Committee is seeing the CFA hawks again. And the turkeys are gone from the Greek quad. The Taxidermy Committee reports: if you stuff a paper airplane with cotton, it no longer flies. Same thing with birds. The Ad-Hoc Appreciating Readme Committee clipped the article about the hipster-off and did something with it The Ad-Hoc Cute Things I Found On the Internet Committee reports: Corgi! (Relevant to this committee's interests: #cslounge-kittens) The Fortune-Telling Fish Committee reports: if you thought those turkeys were bad, wait for the roving gang of peacocks Booth Committee reports: submit and discuss ideas on the web app! The Supersonic Limbo Committee reports success The Shawn and Quxuum Variety Hour notes: size of a load / ton is directly proportional to the amount of swearing that prefixes it; putting "metric" before also adds to it Storytelling Committee: 2 stories from the remote past (1992?) Shawn as student cluster manager: BS'd his boss into naming computers Ren & Stimpy contact information puns. Shawn was known as Prekie Bait; at one time picked up a girl with "hey little girl, I have some candy in my van" The Ad-Hoc "Hey, I'm a Junior Now" Committee would like to report "I have some candy in my van" "congratulations Dan, now you'll take 15 years to graduate"
Old Business
the thing: fwatson gives it to cshaffer. Not his fault: baggers running as far away as they can
New Business
create the Committee to Make labbott a Bagger to "see above" Operation confuse-a-host! the Committee to Turn labbott Into a Dominatrix is intrigued vote: passes sold $5 egarbade, chairs all
create the Committee to Make acrichto Speak for One Whole Minute to "We're all friends here, you can talk to us" acrichto talks for a minute Shawn appoints Alex a chair of Storytelling Committee motion to change the name of the committee to "Have Alex Talk About Balls for a Minute Committee" postpone until next week - passes
create the Committee to Appreciate Dave Winters to appreciate Dave Winters for all the hard work he does to keep GHC3000 running motion to replace "appreciate" with "depreciate" in the name of the committee - unfriendly motion to append "and give him Skittles" to the purpose of the committee - friendly the Committee to give Scorri More Sugar considers expanding its role if you oppose this committee you have no soul vote: passes (with purpose "to appreciate Dave Winters for all the hard work he does to keep GHC3000 running, and give him Skittles" sold $4 pcd, chairs him and dwinters
create the Metaphysical Cobblers Committee to look after the souls of everyone in the KGB "you really trying to shoehorn a pun into that" the Committee to groan at bswolf's jokes says: "you are a heel, sir" "this committee is pretty tounge-in-cheek" "this is not a pun" "we're pretty straight-laced here" "SHOES!" "you really nailed this one" "we're really clogging up the meeting here" "we should buckle down on punning" "I can't sandal any more of this" "we're falling down a slippery slope" "I'm flip-flopping over whether this is a good idea" "someone will have to foot the bill for all this" "people have to stop loafing around" "this entire committee was a croc to begin with" "aglets drop this already" "UGG!" vote: passes sold $7 tvaughan, chairs bswolf
create the Legendary Epithet Committee to introduce people when they enter the room NOW INTRODUCING DAN KIRBY, SLAYER OF TABLE LAMPS NOW INTRODUCING SHAWN KNIGHT, CREEPY OLD GUY add a golf clap after every announcement? All rise for the Hon. Judge eforney! (but he didn't say "eforney says") motion to change the name of the committee to the Epic Epithet Committee i thot i thaw a puddy tat remove "when they enter the room" from purpose - passes motion to create the Out of Order Committee (out of order) motion to purple we are now in purple vote: passes as the Epic Epithet Committee to introduce people sold $5 dmeng, chairs tvaughan
create the Epic Habitat Committee to buy KGB a fortress of solitude and a secret base in the Himalayas welcome to my secret lair on Skullcrusher Mountain Can we all get white fluffy cats? request report from the treasurer on how many cats we can buy (how much is a cat?) the KG-Beast exists, not sure if it's a superhero or a villain vote: passes sold $3 afalk, chairs her, anyone who wants to make an epic habitat
create the KGB is Silly Committee to make the KGB even sillier suggest that the C is the C of the whole append "er" to purpose - passes append "er" to purpose - dilettory the Recursive Committee reports a good start motion to create the Out of Order Committee (out of order) motion to seafoam green (out of order) append "er" to name - friendly append "est" to purpose - friendly append "est" to name - passes vote: passes as the KGB is Sillierest Committee to make the KGB even silliererest sold $4 shawn, chairs the Committee of the Whole
create the Interrupting Cow Committee to MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many knock-knock jokes are told "this committee is bull" vote: passes sold $8 jsappel, chairs him
create the Out of Order Committee - not recognized
create Ron Paul Fanfiction Committee to "and then I saw him. The love of my life, Ron Paul" motion to change "Ron" to "Tron" in purpose and name - not friendly motion to postpone indefinitely - fails "Well, at least I have chicken" "Leroy, you idiot" The Supersonic Limbo Committee reports success They told me I couldn't make an airplane out of KGB votes... they were definitely right vote: passes sold $3 memcginn, chairs people who go to KGB improv night
create the Aerial Reconnaissance Committee to take KGB flying the Airship Piracy Committee approves the Kitty Hawk Aviation Memorial Committee approves this committee preemptively reports one count of success, one count of failure the Leonardo da Vinci Committee reports, YES! vote: passes sold $2 shawn, chairs gswagner
motion to allocate $75 for microphone and snacks for karaoke - it's a good idea
EVENT! Karaoke! It'll be rad! Dig our own grave! (An acceptable level of rads) Go to the booth app and discuss things!
Nerf War! mid-semester weekend? KGB Laser Tag! october 24 is shiny day Relay for Life this friday! please stop by. Also please donate. programming team is having a code script party ITR games! Wean 4 couches! Sunday 10pm! Paul & Storm concert at the Rex this weekend! we GTFO