exec reports
had a summer spent it working for explo, where they make and sell cheap cameras guy sat down on a bench, got an awkward picture on either side of the arch which was basically how his summer went came back to pittsburgh, got wisdom teeth taken out on vicodin RIGHT NOW
still having a summer worked in erie and came here over the weekend contact us on fb exec meetings at uc caffee thurs at 5:30 new people (name, major, where from, uni sophia, cs, bay area ca, not a very interesting persom charlotte, se pa (outside philly), bio, has a cat skye?, meche bme, dc area?, fav color blue alex, cs, long island, is a cs major dan, cs, wisco (milwaukee), scottish terrier and also other dog rudina, ece bme, kosovo, likes watching tv
jram q had a summer
gainfully unemployed won a lot of games and trivia EVENT potluck 5:45 black chairs in UC, then walk to flagstaff frizbee, food, drink, don't bring drinks upperclassmen bring food
had a summer days designing in a box nights playing board games still full of energy in middle of 10 hr classday this will not be the case later PRAVDA?! mostly user submitted content, submit to mnabraha@andrew.cmu.edu
had a summer guess he worked a job, made tshirts also didaccountung
had a summer worked in a bio lab with minions killed minions, poured cyanide down the drain
committee repts
tortellini: rept
guild of calam etc, overwheliminalskdg
dickens reads some shit, 1/5
alcoholist: spect. now: and a recipe look it up
vs wolf memorial: monkey w/ time bomb baboon
time travel: tbroman for prez
horseebooks: mulch MULCH
chicken dance committee: arr dev
don't worry it's for science: that pain you're feeling in 2 hrs is normal, don't worry
buggy errryday: soon
old business
thing! freshmen not finding class is not skittles' fault
new business
committee to test memory of exec: CHALLENGE eforney: postpone until 1st feb monday 2015? the challenge will go through either way objection: w/o committe, how will we remember the meeting? PASSED committee to make sure that the test to test the memory of exec garble mumble: to uphold the test of memory of exec can you repeat that in song committee reports ~something something test~ motion to table? FAILED motion to postpone until this february motion to set date in feb to the exec meeting (first thursday?) NOT FRIENDLY motion to pick any day in feb friendly motion to use comp to pick day no eforney regrets setting precedent motion to the left we are now in purple motion to remain in motion whilst an outside force acts upon us PASSED sergents secret police: please speak loudly and have interesting and animmated discussions so the people listening in on your convos don't get board motion to change title to mike woolford secret police PASSED append: and always carry small stick to purpose PASSED change title to dread lord mwoolfor secret police passed change small stick to big stick fails append bug mars to what out of order PASSED $3 to ethan. disbanded maximum big committee: prove that nat nums have upper bound motion to disprove by lengthy proof on the board point of order: set to m for max, should be set to w for wumbo MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH JACKS VAN SPORTS change all inst. big to name and purpose to bidness change all inst of natural to unnatural fails motion to add 1 to committee name to create counter example how many is a brazillian? change natural to supernatural PASSED $5 to mcginnis, he chairs save exec from 251 committe NO military awds and titles: for duration of vurrent exec add grand mwof to sgt at arms title change grand to graham cracker fails change grand to bug mars fails change grand to bug mars it was better in the first season fails it is a scientific fact that we are all bug mars $2 to drew, oren will chair upkeep of places that don't exist: check on all new doors around campus (there are some new locks) change title upkeep to untap of places that don't exist PASSED change purpose to build moountan ontop of wean like that one guy in china passed change title untap to draw failed change name to let's fuck over the freshmen committe we'll say failed fun fact: if you go b/w a and b basement sof mudge you'll find place where you can interplanar travel skittles will be perf honest, he still doesn't understand what buying more tangerines means PASSED $3 to caroline: anybody who can tunnel will chair name of this committe: what it's purpose will be change name to name of this committe committee passed witty remark change purpose to purpose of this committee failed change name to bill the cat failed computer science joke violent objection (out of order) change this to that in name and purpose passed append name of change of purpose to name nope unfunny statement motion to append and tortyre rec sec passed append funny hats to purpose passed PASSED $2 to Alex, you will chair (you = tbroman) kgb rocks the 80s: [short keytar playing] keytars appended to purpose you can buy it ... on itunes motion to don't start unbelieveing append crazy train to purpose friendly mashup crazy train with purpose friendly motion to business up front of purpose, party in back friendly? motion to [append keytar] playing ot purpose friendly $3 to JRAM, anyone currently holding keyboard or keytar freshmen awareness committee: educate freshmen and other enw members append only after terribly confusing then to purpose frosh can request rept from the what are you referencing committee will not be helpful append to purpose make freshmen aware of how unaware they are passed motion to go back to the way middle school where everything was sunshine and rainbows uncomfortably friendly committe approves wholeheartedly $6 to skittles, DISBANDED allocation to not exeed 50 bucks for this weeks event PASSED hat committe: give kgb exec lice don't worry it's for sci committee approves change title to exec plays a hat based roleplaying game: dilitory are we playing tf2 now? cmu is a school themed hat simulator and study epidemeology to title failed and study frenology to title fiendly motion to append 1 hat to all of exec's head SUCCESS $2 to drew: disbanded that committee: portmanteaus of everything eforney: i portmantotally approve point of info: what is a gleef? unknown the spontaneous shark pun committe... is waiting JRAM: ..."sorry tiger" PASSED $2 to xander. disbanded misplaced wisdom: ensure exec doesn't go mad with opiates when broman got his wisdom teeth out he vehemently pointed to a trashcan it said "are you high" xander: at least you still got your charisma teeth freshman was under the impression that all of exec and everyone here was on opiates anyway no; it's just broman FAILED fetch committee: NO STEVEN STOP TRYING TO MAKE FETCH HAPPNE precedent committee: we shall see would it be in support of anti seconds? probably what if we started selling heroin to members don't worry it's JUST during this committee chang purpose to to catch jram with narcotics friendly change name to the trolling committe and purpose to breast cancer research? skittles still doesn't know where jram got that bag of money change name to president committee eforney: "Gainfully Unemployed" the unneccesary quotation marks committee; success PASSED $3 to drew, all past and current residents of the Moon, except for JRAM
potluck, friday 545 at black chairs nonfreshmen bring food bring utensils with food to serve! make ingredients list for allergies!
website's been updated!
pravdas in full color possibly event updates? rss feed! cmukgb.com
event next week!
old people who want to tell stories: contact exec!
$15/semester, 20/year need them for serious business voting also discount on merch! pay to dillon, tell zora
accomplished ballerinas in pittsburgh talk to Xander!
there's a movie thing on weds after sundown
avengers this week! it's free! we can tell you where flagstaff is
talk to jram xander broman about running puzzlehunt,
find owen for infinite spaghetti!