From KGB Wiki
We relocate because of a spacequest fuckup!
Officer Reports
Jboning Had a weekend which involved stuff Playing in the snow on saturday and ate lots of marshmallows Eforney Had a weekend Worked on booth her knees hurt ALL FOUR OF THEM New People! Tom, CS major from Boston, has hair Ryan, IS and CS double from DC, is white Zsparks Laughs a lot Event! Linear Regression! and other names, in PH A18* friday at 7 Crayons, legos, milk and cookies Arsenij Found out that either he or spacequest fucked up because of reservation foulup Did lots of homework this weekend Pittsburgh won! Woot! and in two weeks there will be riots Insults Sully in ancient greek submit to pravda Twright Worked on booth Played DnD and watches steelers Zsparks strokes Twright's wood Scorri Saw scott pilgrim and watched steelers and played in the snow Has a lot of homework because she did literally none Bubbles Tool training! we got so much shit taken apart, the Kage looks different Did work and watched the steelers kick ass
Committee reports
Time travel committee congratulates jchauvin on her scarf Ad-hoc thneed committee says a thneed is something everyone needs Booth committee will have plans done in two days; also art planning on wednesday at 7 in PHA18*; build session in Kage on saturday at 1pm Puzzlehunt committee says APRIL 23rd and watch out for time ghost; email dbesse for info about helping Committee to terminate the president unsuccessfully salutes the grand poobah Don't Worry it's for science thanks all egg donors; we no longer need your help Storytelling committee about Glisson's dad having a midlife crisis, which was buying a beef farm and 70 head of cattle, and getting outsmarted by the cows Misappropriations Committee misappropriates ad-hoc committee Jewish Standard Time reports she just got back from winter break Ad-hoc B| committee reports someone drew B| on a board Storytelling committee tells "If you give a mouse a cookie"
Old Business
Scorri gets the thing - work is not her fault
New Business
Allocate $70 for food and supplies for the event Create Cows are more clever than you think to cow tools Sold to twright for $4; chairs him and the cows from cows and cows and cows Create the committee to get lynched with purpose GO PACKERS Rename to "Riot Commitee" Postponed until after the next committee Create the gratuitous obscenity in other languages to ...something Sold to Arsenij for $8, chairs him and anyone who knows insults in >7 language The Riot Committee resumes Sold to pcd for $4, chairs him and sully The Assassins committee to play the most dangerous game, which is assassins with moderately different rules Dbesse makes a 251 joke Change to "Most Dangerous Committee" Sold to tbroman for $8, him and anyone who contacts him about running them Create the KGB prophet committee to find a prophet to take us to the holy land We've been wandering this snow-blown wasteland for 40 years We'll build this city like the aztecs did AND ATE MATT BRITTON'S COOKIES Sold to tvaughan for $10, chairs him and ghostpuncher Sweatshirts! who would be interested? $20 for members, $25 for nonmembers PROBABLY Two designs: KGB with crest on back - 25 KGB in schematics nothing on back -20 Create the Witty Committee Creation Committee to I wish I could think of more interesting things Append to purpose "... make a kickass radio station" which is playing nickelback right now Sold to ccolombo for $10, chairs her and
EVENT! Linear Regression! A18* Puzzlehunt sat april 23rd Booth meetings announced on bboards Sweatshirt details will be posted
Joco is this friday