From KGB Wiki
Officer Reports
Jboning Had a break, went home Pun: Swearing: a crass course Eforney The weather was crazy Went to the zoo but did not see toucans New people! no new people Zsparks had a spring break, had not one but two weekends Played a lot of eternal darkness Got an email from a grad student at northeastern who went to CMU and knows CtFwS Pun: Matt Damon wasn't Bourne yesterday Arsenij Had a spring break Went home to find his room occupied by russian strangers Got a massive migraine, but is better now Pun: cross that bridge when we get to it Might have a pravda next week!? submit to pravda Twright had a break pun: out of character pun: bat for both sides played minecraft, did no work Scorri Is doing chemicals! Looks like Mary Kate a lot today She may have gone to chicago and stuff Had a bad break; was sick, missed her bus Bubbles Had a break got his wisdom teeth out - only had two so it wasn't that bad Did a lot of sleeping and visited his buddy at Yale Is played pokemon for like six hours Pun: put all of my .oggs in one bucket
Committee Reports
Bswolf is here! Committee to groan at bswolf's jokes with bswolf memorial committee says PUN: turned the whole series into a loose cannon Who the fuck is evan committee reports succcess Penultimate frisbee says frisbee on friday maybe? Short hair committee reports success R7 party! Committee to not burn down R7 reports quuxum owns you Song lyrics committee says fuck you Weird dreams committee says he is sticking around CMU working for disney for a year!; also had a dream about dating sully, who's a good kisser Fortune-telling fish committee congratulates glisson and plans to take over epcot Time Travel committee apologizes for DST Misappropriated spoken song lyrics committee says "round the world, round the world" Booth committee says some to art meeting tomorrow at 8 in the kage or build session in the kage on saturday at 1pm Ad-hoc OMGpeopleIknow committee says that Jared lives where he does... and stuff League of calamitous intent with science troll says we're using extra daylight to incinerate the earth! muahahaha!
Old Business
Eforney gets the thing - events in Japan are not her fault
New Business
Create the Doomsday Countdown committee to countdown to doomsdays like carnival and make them feel bad Moveon is 113 days away, which is not even true at all SO MUCH SHOUTING ABOUT NUMBERS Passes! Sold to tbroman for $3, chairs him and anyone else who will remember this after doomsday Allocate $75 for the supplies and mike for CtFwS First aid kit? Amend to $100 to make sure the first aid kit can be replenished if necessary Kjones offers help on building the first aid kit if necessary It's a good idea Create the committee to get back at Pitt for taking the fence to paint the cathedral of learning Quuxum says it's pretty difficult Tvaughan wants to change all names in their database to John Eforney wants to paint it for CtFwS Passes! Sold to dkirby, chairs him and clyde Allocate $943.14 for hoodies and tshirts - we will recoup all these losses Passes! Create committee to make bswolf a batman villain to make bswolf a batman villain We already have the joker! Passes! Sold to bswolf for $8, chairs him and all other batman villains Create Animal Cruelty-free Awkward and Inappropriate Musical Accompaniment to <plays bagpipes> Lots of jokes about animal cruelty and bagpipes Needs more bass! Passes! Sold to Create the presidential committee for donkey appropriation for the chair to recognize his ass Oh god so many butt jokes Passes! Sold to Quuxum for $5, chairs him and bswolf and xander and dmeng and avi and bubbles Create the donkey-whipping committee to tap quuxum's ass Postponed indefinitely Create the Presidential Sarcasm Detector committee so the chair can recognize my sass Lots of motions to rename to make different puns; class, gas, mass, bass Passes! Sold to tbroman for $5, chairs him and anyone sassy Create the yellow team committee to defeat the red team Change name to "red team committee" and purpose to "defeat the yellow team" Passes! Sold to mcginnis for $10, chairs him and anyone on the yellow team on friday
EVENT! CTFWS! Kind of a big one! DH2315 at 700pm Hoodies! Come buy them, $20 each; also ctfws shirts Booth! at times Nom Com - it's the nominating committee, they deal with elections and make sure that we have people running for each office CTFWS judges meeting 430 at UC306 on Wednesday Fence-taking; look on bboard
Jared is leaving, eventually; he will be around for the summer, needs a place to live Glisson needs a place to live; either find people to fill his house or needs a new place Tbroman is starting a non-betting bracket for NCAA R7 party Appel is starting an RPG game