From KGB Wiki
Officer Reports
Jboning played ctfws then hurt his knee old person is visiting (gwendolyn) Is hungry Eforney Did lots of fun stuff and had too much fun stuff to enjoy greek sing rehearsal, ultimate, ctfws, ctfws judging, taught boy scouts, wore 2 inch heels Her legs hurt Didn't get into the minor she wanted :( No new people Zsparks Was on college visit instead of ctfws, probably not going to northeastern Maybe going to miss gbgc to go to more college visits You are balancing his checkbook! Arsenij ctfws was great watched a lot of basketball games, lots of free throws made a pravda; failed at printing (it's somewhere in hunt print queue) Should have an actual pravda by next week! submit to pravda Twright ctfws was surprisingly successful at doing work R7 party slept some Scorri Looks oddly like shelby this week played ctwfs, slept over at lincoln roop's house Bubbles ctfws apparently has self-respect boothing! got some shit done, but not much made hamantashen at r7 and r7 party was pooped on sunday and kind of succeeded at being successful
Committee Reports
Category Theory joke Awkward and inappropriate musical accompaniment has a song about pravda being stuck in the print queue; it is melancoly What the hell committee says what the hell tbroman but jboning in the hospital committee to assassinate the president says continued failure Misappropriated animal-free cruelty committee plays on the bagpipe Ad-hoc inception committee reports it is easier to assassinate with a death wish Red team committee was formerly yellow team reports two counts of success Booth committee reports that building has been going pretty well -two saturdays until moveon -need people to show up! please come on tuesday or saturday -doesn't matter what your skill level is like, we want your help! -not in panic mode but time to go Nom Com We have to do elections in four weeks If you want to run for office, say something now We gather nominations Nominations close Hipster Committee hated rebecca black before it was cool ITR! ITR on saturday! Storytelling committee! Glisson tells a story about the batbomb (from batman) and how it was a real thing invented by a dental hygienist! an attempt to use pigeons to guide missiles
Old Business
Bubbles gets the thing! germ warfare is not his fault
Create committee to salt campus to take preemptive action in the war against slugs There are probably actually gardens and stuff being grown Change purpose to "to show animals love today" Change purpose to "bring angelina jolie to campus" = fails Change name to "zoophilia" committe = fails Passed - sold to mcginnis for $5, chairs him and scorri Create the house unamerican activities committee committee to I have a list of 99 communists within CMU (but a bitch ain't one) Bubbles is done with zsparks Change name to "house uncommunist activities committee" We point out that we are probably all bourgeoisie Sold to teisenbe for $11, chairs him, senator mccarthy, and tbroman Booth committee allocates $641.73 for booth; passes Create the Jesus Look-alike committee to think about this for me a bunch of jokes about song lyrics that have jesus in them Sold to tbroman for $10, chairs disbanded Allocate $52.41 for supplies for the event - it's a good idea Create the I'm Uncomfortable Committee to have an outlet to express when you are made uncomfortable 110 or 220 volt outlets Passed - sold to arsenij for $10, chairs him and everyone who is always comfortable Create the jack's van committee to JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VA NJACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN Change name to the "Free Candy Committee" = fails Passed; sold to mcginnis for $25, chairs him and JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN JACK'S VAN
EVENT! GBGC! Booth! Tuesday8kage Saturday8kage Puzzlehunt april 23rd; get teams of 4 together; drag people who are not KGB
Shank is bringing her blanket to GBGC ITR saturday10wean4 Tbroman is bringing poker chips to GBGC