Exec Summers
Dez - Many noodles, too many boxes. Too many trips.
Janny - In bay area, created a crochet snake.
Mitchel - Wean 4 has too many cleaners, hid in some stairwells overnight.
Mckenna - Not here today, but... Fought for the cause to get a nice room, but got stuck. Forgive
Woody -
James -
Kushal - Stayed in pittsburgh, then miami!
Comittee Reports
Stupid history - Henry - Man went to fight communism, started a cult, probably nazis, and eventually got the reagan adminstration to believe that he was smart. Started trying to shoot missiles with lasers, which does not work.
The commitee to assassinate the president - report from Kate, confiscated by James
Furry appreciation commitee + lots of furry committees - Soooooooon
UwU said with different connotations - OwO
Comics are bullshit - Henry - New moon knight show, but who is that. "I know you're here, dracula, you big fucking nerd. Where's my money?"
I'm a mathmatician and I hate myself - Liam - Model theory!
Old Business
Jasper has the thing now.
Orders of the day
April 29 - Motion to make Liam mad - Passed, successfully
April 29 - Pot of greed motion - Tabled for two weeks
New Business
Motion to create the real donner experience commitee Purpose - to take the next person who says the donner chant and feed them to their roomate Passed, sold to henry for $1, chaired by hannibal lector
Motion to create the Cats are dumb committee Purpose: Discuss the happenings of Kaylie's cats and other cats. Passed, sold to Kaylie for $7, chaired by Kate
Henry - Motion to reimplement the archive rules Failed
Janny - Motion to create the 'archieve' in place of the archives as outlined by nicholas rauen. Dilatory
Liam - motion to create the vixra committee Purpose - find weird vixra articles and read them aloud Passed, sold to Liam for $4, chaired by anyone willing to find weird papers.
Kate- Motion to #define a donnler, as a dollar with a weird look from Henry. Unfriendly.
Motion to #define hey donner as second
Not heard, whoops
Henry - Motion to create the commitee to overthrow the tyrant Dez Purpose - I'm winning Passed, sold to Henry for $3, chaired by the Senate.
Ellen - Motion to create the midwestern tourism board Purpose - Promote tourism to the midwest, to cities not unlike Kansas city. Passed, sold to Shelby for $4, chaired by the dude who denver was a state.
Kate - motion to make the american city-state committee. Purpose - Well, they're like interchangeable right? Kate apparently thought vermont did not exist. Sold to Kate for $2, chaired by Bernie Sanders
Ellen - Motion to the left Liam - Motion to #define a bushel of corn as the current dollar value of a bushel of corn. Currently worth $3.59, rounded strictly up. Passed!
Motion to #define a vinyl of corn as the current price of the vinyl of 'Corn'. Specifically, 'Korn' by Korn. Currently worth $26.96.
Motion to #define hand as corn, but only if dnah is nroc. Passed.
Motion to #define Korn as Corn. Passed.
Tim - Motion to create the "Rip my amazon recommendations committee" Purpose - Basically that. Dez tried to buy a new projector, and got recommended Centurion male supplement vitamins. Passed, sold to Tim for $1, chaired by anyone with weird amazon recommendations.
Tim - The adhoc exec get it together committee looks at mitchel.
Mitchell - Motion to allocate up to but not exceeding $30.69 for food and supplies for this event. Passed by acclamation.
Liam - The corn subsidies committee would like to point that that we could have bought a bushel of corn and a vinyl of corn.
Kate - Motion to allocate a bushel of corn to buy a bushel of corn.
Henry - Motion to acquire a megabushel of corn
Liam - The corn subsidies committee thinks corn futures are a great way to make that money.
Failed, thank god
Kate - Motion to make a standing rule that anyone who allocates money must allocate it in bushels of corn. Dilatory.
Real and Relevant announcements
Mitchell - We have an event! Bring food if you're an upperclassmen
Janny - We have the UG Tour next week, help us pleaseeee.
Dez - We are exec, we have meeting at 4:30 on Wendnesdays at UC 329.
Kate - Since this week's event is Potluck, come cook at Kremlin or R7.
Liam - Based of off that, the culinary standards committee will eventually make bad icecream.
Henry - Come play boardgames.
Tim - What do we do after this? Get food!
Janny - We have a meeting next week!