From KGB Wiki
Officer Reports
Jboning Had a week - didn't have class today Woke up this morning Bookstore took his money and didn't give him his books except not actually Eforney Today was fun - sporcle Saw a cat going from doherty to baker and was like "kitty" Guy fell in the snow and it was funny First week of classes went okay Almost won the textbook game Zsparks Had a week, had no classes Is not a student, or a grad student, he's just unemployed Speaking of dicking around, discovered an unfortunate truth about scorri's gloves Two of his friends who started dating in high school are now getting married Dick gloves Arsenij Has lights in his room now, after many rounds with maintenance AC adapter for laptop doesn't work any more Has book of insults in multiple languages Twright Has a weird schedule Is taking a grad-level language technology class this semester Scorri Had an annoying smoke detector in her room, which would not stop beeping, but then it was fixed BEEP Classes are fine, whatever Bubbles BEEP Hates Zsparks Has been able to wake up early for classes without issue BEEP Exercized yesterday because he felt like it - now his arms and legs hurt His friend from high school is here BEEP
Exec scheduling 330pm on Fridays Event next week - tool training We want to get food
Rearranging events - tool training, then linear regression, then uesless people
Eforney will handle the stalker bidding situation for useless people Scorri will deal with print contracts
Hoodies - we want to present a design next meeting Scematics/nothing - all ready to go Block letters/seal - needs to be made black and white Adam will get pricing Scorri will bring it before the meeting