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Officer Reports
Jboning Has a grading pen, it is fancy Eforney Has started doing greek sing rehearsals, which means OW my body Is almost done with recruitment, has to go out to dinner with two people by noon tomorrow Dropped a class, carrying 36 units Only needs two classes and a thesis to graduate Zsparks Almost done having a week This week was weird/good - what will next be like? more well rested, hopefully It took him until after graduation to realize that not sleeping gets lots of things done Herp every derp Zsparks is really flexible Arsenij Is late, is not here, so he cannot be talking He is here now! Finding his glasses without his glasses is impossible Zsparks tells a story about finding his glasses... we take and hide his glasses Got taken out to eat by the guy he occasionally worked for Talked a lot about history repeating itself, until 5AM Twright Doesn't get to build robots in ECE 100, sadface Alice sucks Doesn't plan on getting a lot of sleep next week I can touch type Scorri Is about to have a weekend, is done with classes and with things she needs to do This week was interesting, I will leave it at that Bubbles Is having a week :( It's too bad Three of his assignments got pushed back to being due around the superbowl
Event for tonight - Useless People Auction Thing will be printed out
Event next week is karaoke night.
We need to get a microphone for next week Zsparks needs a reminder to return to microphone on monday Sweatshirts - Bubbles has size information, jboning is putting together the last design, the order will be sent ASAP
Jboning is concerned that meetings have not been going well Energy has been low? Storytelling committee is maybe considered a problem, jboning will talk to shawn Jboning wants people in exec to participate more People have been really disorganized, should actually raise hands to talk Keep officer reports brief and/or focused We have DH 2315 reserved until the end of semester for meetings