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Revision as of 01:42, 6 October 2009


Officer Reports


Built a pirate ship! Art projects.


Went to CA! Got tangerines.

New People

Bill, CS, Greensburg PA, owns no fish

John Howlin, MechE, NH, grey shirt

Michael, MechE, NJ, like raspberries

Alex, physics, Silverton, likes hats/cats

Dennis, CS, Knoxville, TN, blood drive shirt


Minutes? What? Pirate ship!


Caught H1N1 plague, lounged, Star Wars, ear infection, pennies


Has a weekend. Lost his water bottle :(

Richard (mkaemmer)

Had a weekend. Was tall.


Had a week. Has orange hair! Had a weekend. Showed him how bad this week is going to be. As of today, has been dating Caitlin for a year! awwwwwwwwwwww :)

Committee Reports

Cohort 2.0 Committee Subcommittee for Intercohort Relations


Weird Dreams Committee

Congradulations on successfully giving an underground tour to Barack Obama

Let jvirdo Dye Your Hair Committee

Success; predicts future success

251 Torture Committee

There's a Concepts test

Bubbles Committee

Bubbles that may or may not be anticlimactic

Ad-Hoc Committee to Raid Cardboard from Behind Morewood and Storm the Shantytown at the Fence


Ad-Hoc Committee for "We should hav a riot"

Please don't have a riot

Ad-Coc Committee for A.D. H.

CMU does not have an Alchemy department; if it did, KGB would be last to know

[I have no clue what I abbreviated to A.D. H. --jboning]

Committee to Not Burn Down Roselawn 7

Hopes G20 doesn't

Iron Building

Burn down this 7

Ad-Hoc G20

Whatever it is, I'm against it

rntz rntz gwillen Committee

Inappropriate and Awkward Musical Accompaniment Committee

Chord/word association game from last week is now a song c.c

Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Committee


Ad-Hoc EMS Is Scared For This Week

Please be safe

Ad-Hoc G20 Committe

Displeasure at closing all the airports within a 60 mile radius

That's What She Said

That's what she said

Fortune-Telling Fish Committee

Predicts creation of the position of bard

Glowy Flashy rntzy Things

May or may not be doing things again this semester almost certainly

Ad-Hoc AB Tech Committee

jboning might want to talk to ttuttle

Old Business

Darren has the thing. One of us getting punched in the face is not his fault.

New Business


Purpose: to talk in all caps

The miXed CAse commMITttee approves

Ad-Hoc Bash Committee: people with cruise control still have to steer

The Ad-Hoc Committee To Capitalize The First Lettter Of Every Word Reports Partial Success

Favor: TALK IN ALL CAPS; Opposed: talk in all lowercase: Abstain: talk in all superscript

$4 to tuttle; everyone whose first name starts with a capital letter

Silent Invisible Letter Committee

Purpose: frosh at Mudd decidedd there must be a silent invisible R in her first name for a cool anagram ("heraldic sandbox")

rntz: Usually more letters left out than in

Purpose: to add silent invisible letters to your name for the purpose of anagramming

[?] <- IPA glottal stop

Favor: pronounce the silent letter you're adding; Opposed: name your favorite letter that you can hear; Abstain: pick the person sitting next to you's favorite number

$3 to Alan; anyone who has an awesome anagram for any set of their names. And him.

Committee to Play a D&D Campaign Set in Pittsburgh This Weekend

Purpose: d20 at the G20

Roll a diplomacy check!

Tabled indefinitely. (Yes, you do play at a table. Indefintely.)

Allocation of $50 for the event

Good Idea.

Robert is Rolling Over in his Grave Committee

Purpose: make note of how much we have raped Robert's Rules of Order

Purpose extended: such that he rolls over in his grave and then rises

Robert's Rules consented by being published?... c.c

Name: Robert is Rolling Over in His Grave and Then Draw a Zombie Tattoo Committee

Motion to create the Out of Order Committee

Favor: attempt to ressurect Robert; Opposed: break 5 of Robert's Rules in quick succession; Abstain: talk about how free-form conversation is better

$7 to tuttle; anybody who flagrantly violates Robert's Rules of O

Quentin S Getter Committee [???]

Purpose: to make up names on the spot

Fredick Uckyou approves

Favor: rearrange the letters in your name; Opposed: say the name of someone in this room completely normally; Abstain: say an improper noun

$3 to Sully; him, bblum, and Elly

Committe to Trip Exec Officers

Purpose: to observe obstacles that might be in the path of wandering exec officers

Favor: trip; Opposed: stand and then be seated; Abstain: raise your left hand

$4 to Dannel; him and everyone else who wants to trip exec; also j4cbo

Loud Noises Scare Me So Stop Yelling Committee

Purpose: loud noises scare me so stop yelling

Committee to Turn Exec Into Kittens: kittens are quiet

  • but they don't like loud noises; have you ever set a bomb off next to one?

Tabled indefinitely.

Committee to Agree About Things but Argue About Them Anyway

Purpose: to agree about things but argue about them anyway

Ad-Hoc G20 Committee Approves

Favor: have a loud discussion about why the sky is blue; Opposed: say that the sky is some other color; Abstain: moose [squid motion]

$3 to labbott; everyone who likes to argue

Committee to Trap Exec

Purpose: debugging system calls

CMU Motorcycle Club Committee

Purpose: to encourage people at CMU to get motorcycles


Drew would like to get on board, but would have to be a third wheel

Ad-Hoc Steve McQueen Committee Approves

Ad-Hoc Committee to Harvest All Your Organs would like to note that PA is not a helmet state and approves

Favor: ride a motorcycle while harvasting a donated organ; Opposed: peacably sit in the sidecar; Abstain: buy a moped

$1 to Charlie; him and Rocketmatt



KGB digs its own grave. Doherty 1212.

Puzzle Hunt

Looking for a couple more people

Meeting Place

We don't have MM on Nov something;


Show up at Exec at 5:30 in UC 318G if you want them. Submit designs! To exec@cmukgb.org.


Dues are due on Nov 30. They are $15/year or $10/semester


It will be Oct 23. This is earlier than normal. Bring people! Email exec if you want to judge.

Committee to Abuse Robert's Rules of Order



May be teaching The Middleman stuco.


Readme there are old ones.


Made a video. It's being shown in a gallery in CFA.