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   Dez - Fought malloc; malloc is winning. Murder mystery is this Friday! It's superheroes, get ready for sadness.
   Janny - Had a weekend. Rest will come later...
   Mitchell - Had a weekend. Wean 5300 rooms lock, even though they're unlocked. Hm. We have an event, and also another event!
   Mckenna - Not here. Had a weekend, didn't fuck up midterms. SUBMIT TO PRAVDA.
   Woody - Had literally every single class get cancelled. Also, the attendance!
   James - Had a weekend, battling the dark lord malloc. Went to one class, then went home and worked on malloc for 5 hours. OOF.
   Kushal - Had a weekend, got to be with the beep boop again.


   Liam - Corn subsidies - 4.84 a bushel!
   Tim - Ad hoc beeps / boops committee - You can slap together a beep boop memorial event in about a week, turns out! It's good.
   Henry - Stupid history - THE US INVASION OF GRENADA. We decided to invade sometime, so we decided to do this while the president of grenada went to the UN to complain about aliens. We invaded, and he surrendered in like 7 hours.
   Liam - Culinary standards + stupid history - TRUFFELS! They've been prized in food for basically forever. However, they are incredibly hard to cultivate. That was, until the 1850's, when some guy figured out how to do it. Then they were super cheap for like 30 years, until the nazi devastated the population so badly that these forests all die. This + exodus means that worldwide truffel production still isn't back. :(
   Tim - Misappropriated story telling + stupid history + actual history - This filing in march 19, 2003, Pittsburgh gazette - About a dozen members of cmu's republicans gathered to show support. The kgb protested them, and decided to hijack this protest. Fantastic
   James - Speaking of news, ad hoc journalistic coincidences - This new article about a bus falling into a sinkhole, written by 'scotty andrew'.
   Tim - Sinkhole committee + photography committee - Dave 'something' still made it look good
   Liam - Vixra committee - Cognition occurs in a 4th dimension, sperm teleport into eggs via an extra dimension, just like rainwater
   Kate - I'm a biologist and I hate my life
   Henry - Terrible rpg characters - Made a vampire. "I count one, one dead motherfucker."
   Oliver - Ad hoc america is weird - Cut his hair, and it has come to his attention that he did not leave a tip. Mother fucker.
   Mitchell - AD hoc faus paus - Person went to a barbershop, said her hair was like a broom. Person got up, and left.
   Janny - The culinary substandards + underwhelming standards - Started brewing her own coffee, it sucked. But her roommate still calls her a master chef. Everything she cooks is very average. :(
   Liam - Culinary standards - Cooking is really hard, so don't beat yourself up!
       Janny - POI, what have you cooked a thousand time?
   Tim - Misappropriated resurrected and zombified metrication board - 1.609344
   Henry - Baba partists loyalists - Condemn the words and actions of one Oliver Li.
   Liam - Culinary standards - We killed everyday noodle. (Morcia is better)
   Kate - Booth committee - Would like to report, but isn't able to.
       OBJECTION - I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them Sam I am.
       - Take two: Despite Henry's protests, we exist and we're building a booth. We're picking a theme this Wednesday, and our top theme is Jojo's bizarre booth. We'll know what our theme is wednesday, and I'll let you know what happens. There's a poll on the facebook page, sorry for non-facebook people. Log onto facebook and pick some times, so that way our booth chairs can figure out when to meet.


   James has the thing. I have it now! Mwahaha.
   Motion to create a standing rule that a group committee as a committee that is proposed by two or more people. One person will define the name of the committee and the people involved in the group, and then the entire group will collectively decide the purpose and other details.A motion is considered friendly if all members of the deciding group consider it friendly, and a vote is held otherwise. If a vote passes, any members of the deciding committee lose control of the committee, as normal, but members who were friendly to the motion remain in control of the committee. Additionally, members can be added into the deciding committee by a motion from a member of the deciding committee. Must satisfy group theory (has unit, and multiplication). Mitchell is the unit.
   Tabled for one week. Aww.


   Henry - Motion to disband the booth committee.
   Cam - POI, that was 48 seconds.
   Liam - Motion to remove Desmond reed from the booth committee
   Janny - Motion to create a standing rule that a Minot to \{shut up nerd and computer science and knuckles} forbids the meeting from having any math and computer science and knuckles until the end.
       Keerthana - Everything is math, so we won't be able to talk
       Tim - Does rounding count? Or bushel of corn have to be literal?
       Janny - Math is advanced mathematical concepts.
       Oliver - Motion to amended that a math tax of $1  is added for any person who squits because they don't understand the math.
       Kate - Motion to change math to "Math that someone who has not pursued mathematics passed highschool would not understand"
       Tim - I, for one, support this motion.
       Tim - Point of order, you can't make such a motion in anything other than new business, so super and sub committees could still report.
       Keerthana - I think it would be in the spirit of this rule to stop them anyways
       Cam - Motion to table indefinitely.
       All maths are now math and computer science
       Motino to change math to shut up nerd.
       Henry - I have serious problems with this motion. As a hypocrite, I endorse it.
       Kate - Will this motion make it so the treasurer doesn't exists.
       Tim - He can pick up the coins without counting them.
       Mitchell - Motion to amend everything in the middle as "" - Didn't happen
       Liam - Motion to append and knuckles at the end
       Cam - Make it so a word document counts as computing.
       Henry - Remake that motion.
       Liam - Addition and counting, as they're normally defined, are not normally discovered by students until grad school. Therefore, we should redo this.
       Tim - Call the question.
       Henry - POI, does the speed force count as math
       Kate - Motion to define math as the exact way that math is, but latex counts. Out of order.
   Janny - Motion that a standing rule that a motion to begin\{shut up nerd and computer science and knuckles} redoes the previous motion. Requires a 2/3rds majority.
       Tim - Wisdown??????????????????
       Liam - Knuckles, knuckles, knuckles, knuckles.
       Kate - Motion to append to the end of this motion "and makes it so that knuckles has to be included at the end of every motion you make".
   Liam - Motion to discharge the booth committee.
       Tim - Article 8, section 2, ordinary committee appointments can be removed by the board.
       Liam - That's a separate thing.
       Tim - The truth so hard it hurts reports - We didn't have one last year, and it was badddd.
   Mitchell - Motion to embezzle $100
       Liam - Replace 100 with 100.69
   Henry - POI, what happens if we fail this motion?
       Tim - We can also bring back the standing rule where you have to wear a little raccoon mask and eat from the garbage.
   Kate - Preemptive motion to make a standing rule that anything that Henry says is able to be declared as dilatory by the chair.
   Liam - Motion to discharge the culinary standards committee.
       Why? I just want to discharge a committee.
       Liam - Motion to \{shut up nerd and computer science and knuckles}
       Liam - Motion to table for 5 years.
   Keerthana - Motion to make dilatory dilatory.
   Kate - Motion to discharge the R7 Colonialism committee. I want my house back.
       Liam - POI, a motion to discharge a committee requires a 2/3 vote with no notice, or a majority vote with notice.
       Henry - Why can't I have my right to show up with my army and take whatever I want?
       Keerthana - Is discharge different than disband? (Disband is committee, discharge is general body)
       Liam - If we got notice to vote on this next meeting, we only need a majority.
       Kate - Motion to table for 1 week, and have this count as notice. (Nope, that's not how that works)
       Been tabled for 1 week.


   Dez - Friday is murder mystery! If you want to be a character, today is your last day to sign up. Also, we're exec. We meet and do things, so come show up.
   Mitchell - Words. End report.
   Janny - Capture. Flag. Come! CTFWS is next next Friday, so come show up and do stuff with us! You capture flags and do things.
   Kate - Booth booth booth. Booth booth. Vote on the Facebook poll! Please. Soon.
   Kate - Dressing up in character is not required, but encouraged.


   Liam - Motion to discharge exec.
   Tim - Demosplash, computer clubs demo party, is friday Nov 8! Demosplash.org
   Janny - Motion to make the booth booth booth, booth booth committee.
   Tim - Motion to discharge the white stuff.
   Janny - Motion to create the jojo's booth adventure committee.
   Kate - Avatar rewatch is still a thing.
   Liam - Motion to discharge the KGB as an organization.
   Henry - Motion to discharge CMU as an organization.
   Tim - Motion to purple, purple, seafoam green, fish fish fish, and GTFO.