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yames missed the snowstorm

kaylie got -2 to wis score

-josh is a new stat ml/drinks too much boba/singapore s.korea

sawyer got cancelled by trains, ate mac and cheese pancakes, regret

-motion to strike virginity from the minutes

--out of order

-robert chememath/has brown hair

kevin played too many video games, including inscryption, goty 2021, also there is pravda, submit to pravda

liam won mystery hunt, has to write mystery hunt

oliver deez nuts, got a united ticket from AA

kushal went to india, came back from india, is very tired

comm reps

corn subs: 5.98

penguin movies: watched batman returns

cats are stupid (matt): rose has been sleeping on computer, cass attempted to bully off, is now licking herself

punishment (tim): what's small red and has a sore throat? a hoarseradish

-pained groan

booth (kaylie): we're still doing booth until cmu physically stops us

- builds are in feb

stupid history (sawyer): everyone was mean to eleanor roosevelt

i am the university (ad hoc) (matt hoc): we will stop the kgb from doing booth


- keerthana possesses spirit?

- kushal possesses

- oliver is not faulted for rona' virus names, fault we skipped new variant is fault

Tim: point of order: what order were the executive board sitting in

- from Feb 10 2020, procrastination comm

-- sawyer: table for 20 minutes

--- voted on, passed, so moved


liam: motion to create the utah pop band, shonen anime, and facial features committee

purpose: imagine dragon ballz across your face

- Voted on, passed

- sold to kevin for 3 dollars, chaired by anyone relying on chance on not being higher than liam's bid

oliver: motion to create a standing rule such that all bids must also specify a tip to the KGB, expressed in percentage of the bid

- kushal: tip 0%

- tim: goes well with math tax

- kevin: can i negative tip?

-- oliver: not in a restaurant

--- it's called stealing the silverware

-voted on, passed

Kaylie: motion to create the summon goblin committee

purpose: sommon goblin deez nuts

-voted on, passed

-sold to matt for 2 dollars with 4 cent tip, chaired by all goblins who are in posession of nuts

Matt: motion to create the adam adstar committee

purpose: to simp

- Liam: which is your favorite?

-- Matt: space betrayal/tinnitus guy

--- liam: fake fan

-liam: motion to change to adam adstar fan gatekeeping committee

-- friendly

-twain: i have enough simps as is

-- liam: why are you trying to take credit for adam adstar's movies

--- twain: he stole my face

- matt: change purpose to "to stop simpers"

-- so moved

- twain: motion to change purpose to "to stop false simpling"

-- friendly

- liam: motion to change purpose to "simper fi"

-- voted on, passed

- voted on, passed by cheese

- sold to davis for 4, (+10% tip) chaired by james

matt: to ⁠Unknown emoji as NFT

- fuck you matt

- seconded, regrettably

- kushal: salute matt


-- -50 hp

- motion failed, matt takes 20 damage

Sam: motion to make the Swalot and Magcargo pre-evolution appreciation committee

purpose: gulpin deez nuts and slugma balls

- Sam: had a gif but can't find it

- (posts disgusting gif anyways)

- voted on, passed (regrettably)

- sold to kushal for 2 (5% tip), chaired by idk i just wanted to salute you sooner

kushal: motion to use luigi emoji on james

- (it does damage)

- passed, 16 damage to james

kiera: motion to ⁠Unknown NFT as emoji

- voted on, failed

- 0 damage to keira

Liam: motion to create the montion committee

purpose: find out exactly what a montion is

- voted on, passed

- sold to liam for 4 dollars, chaired by janmes byrne

Tim: Motion to salute sam, james and matt

- so done, matt has been ejected

- matt: horrible noise, ejection


some of us are exec we have meetings and we have exec meetings

event: the KGB clubs penguins

(it's on the line)


kaylie: it's snowing, i'm sledding in the shcenly