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officer reports

james: is a little baby who can't handle snow

timkaylie: aaaa techweek aaaa

sawyer: cmu has dropped mask requirement policy, undergrads masks but not grad students

event: go the fuck to sleep

kevin: went to senate meeting, CFA students are dying due to money

liam: tried and failed to do PL

oliver: spent 7 hours finding rental cars

woodshal: i am mia because i am looking for penguins

comm reps

hivemind: we are murdering penguins but we can't find any penguin end report

liam: corn subs: 7.47

woody: plane number: corn

oliver: joke resuciatation: jack's van

twain: i just finished malloc com: i just finished malloc and i'm so tired

liam: korn subs: 33.36

kevin: motion to sallute malloc

tim: nominating cominating

-twain for recsec


-twain for pres


-twain for 2vp


-izzy for corsec


-izzy for recsec


-howard for treasurer


old beez

thing: twain -> oliver ;not fault: dues/debts, fault: social constructs like race and gneder

new beez

oliver: motion to allocate 215 for booth shirts and shit

-kevin: what color are the shirts?

--graphite gray

-voted on, passed

howard: motion to allocate 150-200 from exec discretionary fund for breakfast


sawyer: motion to allocate 315.87 cents for propane gas and 7.62 by 39 ammunition for this week's event

-kevin: how will i sleep

--don't worry abou tit

-woody: summit cola annhiliation approves

-charles: motion to change the allocation to breakfast for move-oon

--sawyer: unfriendly


--liam: motion to allocate 20 dollars for roberts rules for sawyer

---motion to pass by acclamation

sawyer objects

---voted on, passed

-woody: motion to name this motion bob

-howard: motion to change to 200 dollars

--liam: why would we want a less-lavish breakfast

-tim: motion to name this motion duhduhduhduhduh

--voted on, passed

-voted on, passed

woody: motion to create the time bomb committee

purpose: tick tick ttick

-howard: tick tick tick

-oliver: motion to amend to tick cock tick cock


-twain: motion to amend to tick cock sorry cock sorry cock sorry cock


-liam: motion to change name to sorry cock committee

--unfriendly, unseconded

-kevin: motion to table for a week

--liam: motion to pass by coinflipi

---woody: motion to table for 1 week


woody: motion to create a standing rule allowing motions to table to be tabled
motion to fail by acclamation
motion to table for 1 week
so moved

---voted on failed


-tim: you didn't say it rhythmically

-voted on, passed

sold to liam for for 12 and 0%, chaired by the bomb whichposal committtee

oliver: motion to ⁠Unknown police as question

-liam: police for oliver: why?

--you know why

-passed by acclamaion

woody: motion to create the drug smuggling committee

purpose: to smuggle drugs

-woody: call the police

-passed by acclamation

-sold to kevin for 2 +0% chaired by a bunch of fresh new convicts

kevin: motion to eavesdrop on twain and howard


liam: motion to create the riveting side conversation committee:


liam: motion to create the real committee

purpose: promotion of currencies called reals

-kevin: i failed to send the letter

-liam: most to censure kevin


-voted on, passed

sold to liam for 1.10 +0% tip, charied by sigmund freud and his mother

Twain: motion to create the shitty ass doo doo committtee

purpose: to get people to pass a committee they are unaware of

-kevin: motion to pass by acclamation

--liam: objection

-oliver: call the police

-voted on, passed

-sold to woody for 2.01 + 0%, whichbanded

charles: motion to create a standing rule that if someone creates a committee or votes in favor of one with a reference to copulatioon or bodily discharge, they take 80 points of damage

-woody: amend in favor of to "on"

--tim: abstenance is the only way


-voted on, failed

woody: motion to create the sex and suicide committee

-80 damage, ejected

-some out of order motions

-tim: call the police

-voted on, failed

liam: motion to ⁠Unknown shitty ass doo doo committee as the executive board


tim: motion to create a standing rule such that if the chair utters the letter of the day they gain 4 hp (to keep them on this mortal plane)

-voted on, passed

james: nom com has been nominated as proctors for voting (james, woody, keerthana, tim)



we're exec

no event, go sleep

-please come to move on

this is the most important time of booth

all hands on deck please

please do other stuff for booth

please fill out your breakfast order form

build is friday, please show up

-get wristbands and hats this wednesday

-pay your dues


twain: i have a ticket to the penguins game tomorrow

liam: pay your dont's

kevin: 😶

sawyer: colors

liam: motion to create committee to extend james's suffering


twain: motion to high five a ghost

tim: colors/gtfo