Rbullen rkuhn

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Revision as of 19:24, 11 October 2010 by The Rachels (talk | contribs)
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The Rachels

  • -The magnificent duo who are interchangeable, but it is not recommended to do so.
  • -In their free time, they like to find and repair (or exploit, depends on the day) rifts in the space-time continuum.

-Had no idea that 'continuum' had two U's prior to typing the previous sentence. -Made of radiation -THERE IS NO THIRD RACHEL! WE DO NOT SPEAK OF HIM! -Never read the small print -Use 620% of their combined brain power. -Tear Lisa apart! -Have never had Scarlet Fever -Invented SCIENCE! -Always carry spoons around in case $hit gets real! -Recognize Pluto as a planet -Are not twits -Sunk the Titanic (our bad) -One-half of The Rachels does not sleep, EVER! -Caffeine-based lifeforms -Hate Gwen because she's a b!tch -Enjoy jumping off of things -Never have a Plan B, in fact we rarely have a Plan A

Legally, it's questionable Morally, it's disgusting Personally, we like it!