20th Anniversary Party
A nefarious plot has been hatched among the defectors to overthrow KGB's control of its annual Carnival party in 2008 and throw a somewhat grander shindig to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of KGB's founding. This page will be updated as more details are hammered out.
Followup: see Anniversary Party Post Mortem for comments and feedback on how the event went.
[hide]The Plan
- Friday night, April 18th: Reception, 6:30pm to 10:30pm, Mellon Institute, 4400 5th Ave, Pittsburgh
- Please enter the building through the entrance on Bellefield Avenue and follow the Thataway signs.
- Saturday lunch, April 19th: Lunch, 11:30am to 2:00pm, Holiday Inn, 100 Lytton Ave, Pittsburgh (Google Map view)
- There will be a hospitality suite at the hotel in room 823. It will likely be open Saturday afternoon from 2:30pm to whenever. Please drop in.
- There will probably be other, smaller events during the weekend organized by various attendees. The only official events are listed above.
The Saturday lunch is the big event. If you can only attend one, please come to the lunch.
Registration is now closed. The cost is $25/person. (Kids under 10 are free.) Payment may be sent via Paypal to jay{at}laefer.com . If all else fails, payment can be made at either the KGB meeting on April 14th or at the door Friday night.
Ride Sharing
A list of KGB members offering/seeking rides can be found at Rideshare.
We're seeking all sorts of KGB memorabilia to display at the Party, especially shirts and photos. Contact Jay Laefer if you have anything you're able to bring.
Spread out over twenty years, there are a lot of people attending who don't know each other or will have trouble recognizing people after so many years. To that end, we're making nametags. Please send the following info to Jay Laefer for *each* guest:
Name: Years in KGB: Officerships held: Andrew userid (make one up if you never had one):
So, for example
Name: Jay Laefer Years in KGB: 1988-1993 Officerships held: Recording Secretary Andrew userid: jl57
- 1st announcement message
- 2nd announcement message (includes hotel information)
- 3rd announcement message (includes information about the commemorative photo book)
- 4th announcement message (includes registration information)
- Promotional Video #11, starring Lea and Dom
- Promotional Video #10, starring Alan
- Promotional Video #09, starring Evan
- Promotional Video #08, starring Goob
- Promotional Video #07, starring Deanna
- Promotional Video #06 (There is a promo #6.)
- Promotional Video #05, starring Rob
- Promotional Video #04, starring Jen
- Promotional Video #03, starring Chuck Werner
- Promotional Video #02, starring Jess
- Promotional Video #01, starring Michael Gelman (and Cookie Monster)
(Playlist of all promotional videos)
The Central Committee
If you would like to join the central planning committee who will be held responsible for this travesty, please send e-mail to jay at laefer dot com. We have a Yahoo group to help organize things.
The Brainstorming List
It would be totally keen if:
- The party were held someplace near campus to make travel between Midway and the party easy.
- The party were held someplace where real food could be served or possibly provided.
- The party were held someplace that a full range of beverages could be served.
- We had custom KGB pocket protectors as favors.
- There were an associated game of CTFWS.
- The party were held on a cruise ship in some exotic location.
- We Defectors created a blitz booth.
- A variety of ancient and revered KGB artifacts could be assembled and displayed.
- Images of any and all KGB silliness need to be preserved for posterity in the KGB's nifty new flickr account created by so0s and growing exponentially in popularity.
- The original five-minute booth -- the one made of styrofoam.
- The original KGB buggy can be recreated from its original Legos courtesy of rm3t and so0s
- Dan Lovinger still has a "Topple the Czar" figure, I think.
- Somewhere, I (ee0r) may still have a FL0M B0MB.
- There were showings of KGB: The Movie and its sequel(s).
- Some accommodation were made for those defectors who (scary as this is) have small and infant children.
- We played Kremlin.
- There was a showing of sock puppets on fire
- Some detail-obsessive people took notes on all the stories and history that surface, and threw them up onto this wiki afterward. Not blackmail material -- necessarily -- but officer lists, booth chairmanships, what the booths were...