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Officer Reports

dlstern: executer of the executive board. Had a weekend, started on Thursday, Sunday didn't really count, now screwed. Mostly worth it.

lea: phone no longer rings, but still works. So don't be surprised if no answer. But do not leave voice messages.

csjackso: awesome things: woke up this morning, and throat didn't hurt. Tomato candy tastes mostly like candy.

Also, previous class decided that programming paradigm should include shapes. Event: Philip K. Dick movie night, because we all missed a Scanner Darkly. Was dumb, filmed a crazy movie after CtF. Chris is black. Elise kills everybody.

dom: Made a movie this weekend, should bug if we want to see it. Warranty on Ipod expires in 6 days.

edanaher: CtF, work, Sound of Music.

eleather: had a weekend. Left early, went to DC. Stayed in the Washington court hotel. Fancy: bathrobes in the closet. Sent eleather and head of student body, Carl. So each got own room with double beds. Saw Lowry. Conference was badly planned, stupid, but overall fun. Then came home, drove through most ridiculous rain. Old pillbox. Time travel! [pennies} Called mom this morning, had discussion. Cat sitting? Mom: last time, you couldn't get a cat? Have to bring her home now.


W3VC: would requests use of projector.

Misappropriations: instead of air, thick nuclear poop: Dave's bathroom had a close approximation.

Request report from committee for random art committee in relation to hate crime thing.

Ad-hoc committee for WTF tomato candy reports WTF tomato candy.

Misappropriations committee: Steelers: god job.

Steelers: Saint's played a good game, an honor to defeat them.

Pop occultism: The loss which is unknown is no loss at all. How did Bears and Giants do? Now we know. There is no mistake as great as always being right. So our exec is great.

Wiki exists now: many articles are short: need input and information. Table fencing exists. Write things: make them amusing. If you don't, Ed and Alan will for you.

Book teller: 0.345.32138.3

Storytelling: pizza delivery at NSA took 72 hours, walked through a door, people pointed guns at him. 72 hours later, decided he was actually delivering a pizza, let him go. Here's the true one. two gentlemen at NSA, one blind, has a dog. Dog does what dogs do by the flagpole. A guard notices, thinks all our dogs are in the kennel: must be a hole in the fence. So marine guards trace the perimeter to find the hole in the fence. Meeting ends, they're in car, guy in gatehouse sees dog. Gatehouse picks up the phone, says ``we found the hole.

Boring discussion about Coal committee reports Robert Bird Reelected.

Old Business

Pfennig: Em: laziness. Including in debugging.

New Business

Motion to amend the KGB bylaws to insert that we abide by the University's statement of assurance. To be a recognized campus organization, we must have it. We are recognized anyway, but we should do it. Passes by acclamation.

Motion to make the committee to vandalize kgbwiki. Amended to the committee to edit kgbwiki. (Does not change the purpose). Committee to bring KGB down from the inside approves. $3 to mstephen, chair self.

$9.94 for a new first aid kit for CtF, withdrawn: just go into CtF allocation.

Actual Real Relevant Announcements Pertaining to the Business of KGB as an Organization

csjackso: Philip K. Dick movie night in 2315.


change movie to the thief, the cook, .. and her mother.

mstephen: discovered sock stuck to ass. How long was it there?

Paul: Cinderally and ew.

jgg: is a schmuck.

em: anyone want runts.