From KGB Wiki
Officer Reports
Jboning Doesn't feel like waiting for zsparks Has a report Needs to work on compiler - he is type A spent all of yesterday not working, which was bad but good Eforney Halloween! Didn't do enough work Has to read a novel by thursday NEW PEOPLE! Sophie, doesn't go here and has no major, alaska, likes jackets Zsparks Looks like Tbroman Didn't work EVENT! CTFWS! FUCK YES FUCK YES FUCK YES Arsenij Had a weekend - went to event VTRMC - can't actually do math Taking too many math classes for not doing math to be okay submit to pravda Twright VTRMC, improv Did little work Blosics 2 level pack score Scorri Dropped physics, which was good Went on an IV retreat, got lots of sleep Motivated to do work!!! Somebody likes cloaks and told her so Bubbles In an improv show for four hours, that was something Did more work than most of exec because he did any work Watched movies, that was it
Unironic Positive reinforcement committee reports stay calm, you'll do fine, everything is okay Arithmetic Committee reports your vote counts tomorrow lots of committees report R7 party on saturday Fortune-telling fish predicts there will be an appearance of the "ctfwfish" Storytelling committee encourages guest storytellers to join in if they have stories, tells stories about andrew IDs and plastic bullets, guest teller Xander tells stories about israel and swords and being cheeky Shawn Quuxum variety hour says it is legal to bring a sword carry-on in 1996, when he saw it happen
Old Business
Glisson has the thing
New Business
Create Cyborg Committee to create replacement parts for people Sold to Jared for $6, chairs him and anyone who likes cyborgs Create the committee to destroy R7 to fire is clearly not doing the job Sold to Sully for $40, disbanded! Create the committee that arranges the blocks that continue to fall... to we spin them around... Change the purpose to whistling the tetris theme Append to purpose more whistling the theme Sold to mbritton for $11, chairs him and tim and anyone who whistled Create the committee to autotune zsparks to autotune zsparks Sold to afalk for $7, chairs her and zsparks Create the quote of the night committee to immortalize the best quotes from every night Sold to dan kirby for $9, chairs him and anyone who wants it Create the committee for reports from multiple committees at once to string committees together - postponed indefinitely Allocate $100 for ctfws, passes Create the Little Committee that could to I think I can I think I can Change purpose to "I think I can write little engine I could fanfiction" passes Sold to quuxum for $10, chairs him and glisson Create the physics troll committee to "what if you took this long steel rod, 3 or 4 lightyears..." Mobs of physicists aren't pretty Sold to Mbritton for $26, chairs him
Phantom Tollbooth is our theme Ctfws shirts, $10 for members CTFWS! FUCK YES FUCK YES FUCK YES ctfws - judges meeting at 500pm on wednesday in UC306 Minifence will go up soon, since scotch & soda and bhangra both want the real fence
Scotch & Soda is doing rocky horror Confuse a bagger please