From KGB Wiki
Officer Reports
Jboning Did some work, not enough, this week is going to be eh Eforney Did work on friday, great game of frisbee Got CMUBash'd Lots of food and reading and etc. 7-page essay due wednesday New People! Johanna, MatSci major, from Norway, eating skittles Vicky, Japanese, from pittsburgh, from pittsburgh Zsparks Watched Scott Pilgrim twice - totally surprised Cleaned his room, vacuumed and stuff Has one month left until grad school apps are due Event! KGB Classic! we play old video games / new video games that remind you of old! Bring stuff! Arsenij Boring weekend Did work and more work and not knowing what work needed to be done His cat apparently eats ice cream His family is visiting Russia for the winter You know who else did that? HITLER submit to pravda Twright Was sick most of the weekend Went to rolls, did some work Girl talk album! WOOO! Scorri Watched Scott Pilgrim Got lots of free food this weekend Bubbles Ultimate with fantastic weather then darkness NPP Show Booth working / planning / organizing - the kage is organizedish
Committee Reports
Positive reinforcement committee says you are good people Misappropriated no pants approves of exec Mnemnonic Committee says the word for lobster in russian is roc Egyptology Committee says bleh Dr Who's weird fashion committee says bowties are awesome Classified committee reports success Storytelling committee (glisson) tells a story about a guy who purchased a lot of chicken and peanut butter and pudding cups to get free airlines miles Martin Luther King Committee had a dream that his room was redecorated by nicole, and that he visited the space station and then went to brunch at a british private school
Old Business
Aballard has the thing - planting stuff in people's dreams is not his fault Re-postpone the motion to allocate $50 to the guy who invented CtFwS, until we know whether it is legal
New Business
Create Dante's Minecraft committee to wake up on a beach and build stuff forever Sold to tvaughan for $10, chairs him and leonardo dicaprio Create Committee to do FWAAAAAAA to FWAAAAAA Append to purpose "also recursive committee" Sold to twright for $5, chairs him and tvaughan Create the Row of Matts, Classy Cats committee to juxtapose people named matthew Sold to quuxum for $6, chairs anyone not named matt Allocate $50 for shit for the event - it's a good idea Create the Hipster Committee to It's pretty obscure, you haven't heard of it Change purpose to "invade azerbaijan" Append to purpose " to obtain an obscure number of kegs of PBR" Append to purpose " everybody has syphilis" Append to purpose " that picture of adam's brother" Sold to zsparks for $25, chairs some guys you probably haven't heard of and him Create the Closeau Committee to I will not stop until the case is solved Zsparks says Dean Martin is awesome Sold to quuxum for $11, chairs him and any other animation snobs in the room Create the you're fired committee to you're fired - out of a cannon - into the sun Append to purpose " and to make pottery" Sold to shank for $19, chairs her and anyone with a "giant cannon"
EVENT! KGB Classic! Bring Video Games and more consoles Sweatshirts - KGB on front, "...what steam tunnels?" on back - enough interest to talk about it Booth meeting on the weekend, people should come
All-university Orchestra concert on friday McGinnis is turning 21, we are advising that he gets REALLY DRUNK