These minutes brought to you by your Corresponding Secretary, eforney, since jboing could not attend.
[hide]Officer Reports
Talked about fossils. Not too exciting. Grad school? Mecha Hamerschlag! Giant tubes of steam. The dyne? Art/video game projects to do.
"Life is really good."
Assignment due tonight. Uh-oh... "'Thus much' out of 'I'm not sure". Hates scheduling. Next semester = ew. Overlapping class times abound.
When you draw on people with dry-erase markers, it kinda behaves like watercolor.
(from e-mail) Hey guys, I'm heading to Harvest at 5:30, so I won't be at exec today. My report: Kinda owned. Have hope. End report. (from bswolf) Taking 251 and 220 and computer architecture and... goodness! bswolf is TAing 251, that should be interesting.
Recruiting! So many companies! Went to dinner with one, had lots of interviews. Is now hungry.
Dropped a class, nothing happened, "Amazing!". Maybe will get more sleep. Had a birthday! Boo the mail place is closed now. Concepts: Mackey pointed to a group he was in with some Cohort and explained how scritches are like graphs with connections. Has boxen. Has Google Wave invites. "100% penetration". All waving--Latex support, works with a guy in Belgium. Made a suggestion and the response: "Yes, this is why website not good. Yes." <insert Derek speaking German here>. He's from Austria/Canada/everywhere. FINALLY ENDED HIS LONG REPORT.
New Business
Service Project from Baker Incident
- Gina is no longer the Student Activities director as of today
- CMITES plan may have to be dropped
Exec E-mail Bounces
- everyong on exec received this
- no real effect, not a phishing attempt
- remember to resubscribe if you haven't already
- will probably get the Carnival theme by next Wednesday
- ETC is going to schedule another meeting KGB exec + bswolf to discuss the i-phone game
- ETC is a fan of CtFwS
- wants students to play a game of CtFwS as a class requirement
- suggested that we run a smaller game for ETC/KGB memebers only
- similar to test-playing
- ETC may suggest new rules and is welcome to create their own variants
- KGB members will have to be dues-paying
Sully's Bylaws Amendment
- the RecSec must send an e-mail to the general body (not the bboard) to inform them that we will be voting on it
- since jboing is suffering from workdeath, someone else will prepare the e-mail and jboing will only have to send it
Upcoming Events
- 11/6 (next week): Naptime
- Rixhard is going to be out of town
- he can save a room but food will fall to other officers
- Rixhard/whoever also needs to buy cups
- 11/13: KGB Classic
- many devices were underappreciated last time, encourage spreading out
- dkozel may post to the bboard regarding what kinds of games there should be there
- overview
- 11/6: Naptime/Milk & Cookies
- 11/13: KGB Classic
- 11/20: Get Board, Get Carded
- 11/27 (Thanksgiving break): (I apparently missed what was proposed for this day)
- 12/4: Ice-skating
- Finals: 12/7-12/15
- Reading Day (12/9): Geek Eat
- Friday of Finals (12/11): Movie Night
Renew the Kage
- do it
- ideas for shirts
- smaller/cleaner versions of most-recent CtFwS posters (silhouettes) into shirts
- rendering of pic of Cohort 1.0 playing CtFwS w/ ample amounts of Stuff
- the images of the oval people Evan made for the slideshow, specifically the stun-wand one
- reprint: Mother Wean
- reprint: My Action's (Abe Wong created this shirt, fyi)
- dkozel will get a price-check from Apple
- eforney will post to the bboard asking for new designs and requests for reprints
- we will be choosing what will be printed at next exec meeting (11/6)