These minutes brought to you by your Corresponding Secretary, eforney, since jboing has a kernel to finish.
[hide]Officer Reports
Bought a game called "Iron Dragon". You draw the railroad with crayon. "Oh, God, yes!" Also: shrimp that can shatter fish skulls!
PuzzleHunt is tomorrow... Will be super busy. Hopefully can still come to and relax at the event.
(bswolf) I have a report!
Staying up late doesn't make you doze off in class--being bored and reluctant to be there does. Discovered the secret to not looking like a lazy student in front of her advisor and advisor's husband.
Kernel in 1 week. Now at owned! 3-5/10 screwed. Surviving. "Our lab got the shaft." That lab isn't due for a bit.
Did stuff. "Compiwers" didn't own her. More stuff. Potats need more butter.
(word by word: Mander--jboing--eforney--labbott--bswolf--Glisson) "Oh--oh--man--my--end--report"
New Business
Service Project from Baker Incident
- CMITES most probably not happening due to lack of response
- alternatively: Holiday charity events
- food drives for Thanksgiving
- toy drives for winter holidays
- Theme: History with a Twist
- Twistory!
- eforney should post to the bboard about voting on the doing/not doing of Booth
- Chairs
- need a format: likely have a Head Chair in charge of everything, and then an Art Chair and Construction Chair
- people who have indicated interest: Greta, Mander, Derek, Caitlin, Glisson, RocketMatt
- all interested should be reminded to come to exec when we choose chairs
- all interested should also be aware of others interested
- e-mail eforney (not exec, just eforney who is impartial) about possible conflicts with working with other chair candidates
- Finances
- spent around $700 - $1000 last year
- looking for numbers on Mad Science booth from 2008
- total budget is around $2500 before useless people auction (we're in pretty good shape)
- Kage
- keys are available, Glisson should go to Housing and Dining to get them
- we should check on our lumber
- KGB Classic
- may not happen w/ CClub -- do it on our own
- KGB Classic: Expansion Pack?
Oracle Account
- the dude needs e-mailing
- bank account is a little silly
- Labbott's name on card
- Liz's name on account
- tax # used for groups instead of people
- Glisson will ask Shawn/Shawn's mom about this
- Glisson needs to bring proof of being KGB's president to the bank
- reprinting:
- My Actions
- Glisson's silhouette posters
- ntr's grid dog
- state DFA
- Mother Wean
- caveat: the old ones supposedly live at Ticky Box--we must buy them from jgrafton
- if not: we order new ones