These minutes brought to you by your Corresponding Secretary, eforney, since jbonbon has a kernel due today and desperately needs to eat food.
[hide]Officer Reports
Came late because he was in Maggie Mo basement talking about bio-diesel efficiency. It's like a Girl Genius castle down there! Saving the environment with steampunk &c. &c.
Week was not terribly descript. Nondescript that is. Has Jungle Speed though.
(bswolf) I am Rixhard for the day because zsparks is him at the general meetings. I am often Rixhard for the day.
Doing a milk experiment to see if her mini fridge or her suite's fridge is better for keeping milk from spoiling. Also slept through a class twice this week which only happens twice. Stupid alarm clock.
KERNEL! Not that pwned! :)
Demo for embedded. not pwned but probably a little pwned because she has to go out of town to Boston soon. KITTENS!
New Business
Service Project from Baker Incident
- food drive type stuff is possible
- local library volunteering may be possible
- Glisson: e-mail Gina to see if off-campus charity is viable
- zsparks: e-mailing his old RA boss for more ideas for volunteering options
- Mander: post to the bboard asking for more ideas and updating the comrades
- i-phone
- play-testing something rough next week
- exec, game enthusiasts, PuzzleHunt staff are invited to attend
- Glisson: make a Doodle asking when we are free to schedule this
- CtFwS
- may become a class requirement
- would require a separate session from our regular semesterly game since there are 100+ ETC folks
- CtFwS.org could use a copyright type thing so rules variations are easier to do
- obtain from Creative Commons website, stick to our website
- Derek/Josiah/whoever: this is low priority, do it if you have time
- eforney: post to bboard calling for themes
- chairs
- deciding next week at exec who will chair
- eforney: e-mail candidates on Tuesday listing all candidates, asking them to state problems, and inviting them to exec 11/20
Event 11/20: KGB Classic (Lite)
- Rixhard: reserve a hallway of rooms
- eforney: post to bboard asking for games
- old games preferred, new games completely fine, laptops also okay
- jboning: ask general body to note t-shirt size at next meeting on the attendance sheet
- jboning: ping Elly/bblum/ntan about Mother Wean shirts in Ticky
- Glisson: finalize designs (preferably by next exec meeting), need them in specific format
- Mander: ping Evan/bboard/whomever about state design
KGB Sing-Along Blog
- Glisson/Scorri have been writing for it
- Dom did previous stuff, probably don't need to contact him, just good to note
- Committee will report on Monday (sometime) and sing-along/act to recording
- record previously, film during report, overlay good recording over filming at general body meeting
- Derek will show us some music video thing on Monday
Oracle Account
- Glisson e-mail the guy; no response