From KGB Wiki
Officer Reports
Jboning Plays some techno that he made Scale from 1-10, how shitty was the techno? Eforney This is the weirdest exec meeting ever Has a test and a term paper due thursday Is sick but you can't tell Zsparks Had an interview on the phone with the guy who created rust, who is cool PL wankers are the hipsters of CS! Google interview tomorrow morning, which he should approve Arsenij More russian Test in an hour, should be fun Has something due at midnight (should do work) Twright Finished 211 lab Is going to go visit facebook Scorri Got blood drawn for the first time, may or may not have mono/strep Got 10 hours of sleep last night, did no physics HW Bubbles made the requisite mono jokes Bubbles Having a leisurely week Gotta do physics TALKING IN ALL CAPS not FWAAAAAAAAA Jared Does not want to report apparently
Event - movie night, got 2315 and breed hall - it will be in 2315
Next week - maskerrave, how do speakers work?
Ping Lincoln! and Meg Richards Zsparks will get music to happen too Glowsticks, extra snacks, larger allocation?
Someone should renew the ctfws.org domain... nowish... Kage keys for booth chairs - send email with list of people to get them,
Jboning will add jhferris, kharring, maybe rocket matt?
Get Oracle Account straightened out (we need to make a $60 deposit for booth)
We need to get number from the people, Scorri or Jboning or Adam will do it
UPS battery has been replaced - leave Kremthing going for the nonce Arsenij needs to contact CMU police, EMS about ctfws Carnival theme will be picked tonight, we should pick a theme for our booth after that
Everyone start thinking of themes, vote at the meeting that makes that convenient
Bubbles order shirts, get quote on sweatshirts