From KGB Wiki
Officer Reports
Jboning Finished his capstone Not studying at all Eforney Had a minor breakdown, then studied Now has handed in term paper Almost got fucked by not handing in term paper. Zsparks Still not done with grad school applications Has to get the fucking physical letters of recommendations which are only needed at one place Applying to Canadian grad school, which is only a masters program Watched Revenge of the Nerds last night - it's incredibly bitching, except for the part where there's rape Zsparks's dick is 30 feet long Arsenij Had two finals yesterday Has only one final left - basic logic, which is going to be a fun time Leaves on saturday Cooked today, will cook more today, which leads to not knowing what time it is Twright Had two finals on Monday Did nothing of value yesterday Forgot that he had exec Scorri Had two finals - nature of language which was pretty easy, chem which was also pretty easy UNEXPECTEDLY Most people didn't study for the chem final, but she did! Bubbles Has had two finals, one of which was nature of language, the other was physics Studying for orgo - oh baby - it's a non computer science course?! Some joke about PBR His notes are filled with profanities Forgot that he had exec
Schedule exec for next semester - 430 on wednesdays again, probably, as far as we know now
Sweatshirt designs - we need to change the shield to black and white & make an outline for the "KGB" We have events for next semester: First week will be get board get carded or snowball fight (weather permitting) Second week will be tool training Third week will be useless people
Fourth week will be linear regression
Run a puzzlehunt? make one for Drew because he never gets to play
Bubbles, Eforney, Marodrig Eforney will organize it! Wooo!
Twright is a shitfucker Twright is a gentleman and a shitfucking scholar