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Officer Reports
Jboning Was very late because of 410 course staff meeting 410 meetings are very unfocused, unsurprisingly Things are on fire in Egypt where he went this summer, he hopes people don't get hurt Eforney Found a ring, might keep it but tried to return it via misc market Remembers nothing else but posting to misc market AFS, how the fuck does it work Lots of free food Zsparks Fuck this week It's almost as if things can go wrong that aren't involved in classes They took away his access to the locker rooms in the UC, is using the office as a locker room Is on week 3 of running, can run Will add you to running dlist if you want Arsenij His parents shipped a package, it hasn't arrived yet Arsenij's penis! Not much is going on other than lots and lots of work Twright Traded coats with eforney today Distributed is not a partner class Did a fair amount of work, which kind of sucked Damn it feels good to be a gangsta Scorri About to have a weekend Was late to exec because work ran late Was NOT having a threesome with eforney and jboning, she swears The 2vp will be dying later today Bubbles Booth plans were due but the booth chair left and now they are not due for another week Did some work
Plant secret cameras in the office to watch zsparks naked? Event! Linear regression in a few hours SEMEN! Next week - Useless people auction We have the actual Breed Hall Someone needs to write a blurb for exec (Shawn will do it) Bring a shitload of water for Shawn and get a microphone Apparently we are going to lose the room once a month to club sports - Arsenij has reserved a room for the missing days Doherty 1112 may be available - he will try to make it as uniform as possible Sweatshirts Bubbles needs a higher-res version of the crest - except he doesn't, he just didn't print it right Mark down sizes on attendence at the meeting, then put in an order (REMEMBER THIS!) They will be in easily before carnival, so old people will have access Bubbles wants to merge improv night and bitterness party? We could maybe hold them in parallel in two adjacent rooms Bubbles and Jboning are going to fix the money thing on Monday Eforney had people inquire about bringing non-college students to events; she gave them a list of our events Do we want to make election validation forms parts of the bylaws? Jboning will propose an amendment to that effect