teh minutes
james - got a stomach ache, can't eat seafood like a scrub
kaylie - trained tools
sawyer - was in the lab and is a student but knew everyone. event is useless people auction
kevin - is making a pancake printer, can print drip goku/among us
liam - i'm having a weekend
oliver - bought the biggest possible coffee from starbucks at 1 pm, regretted it
also gave all the money
returning to 2vp
elise/she/design/sophmore/nj/has 2 cats
kusha; - reported but i missed it
comm reps
ligma/woody : lost shit at abcd
bad etymology/charles : portmanteau is a portmanteau of natalie portman and something else
vulcanolog/keerthana : magma facts
bad entomology/liam : all insects are beetles
capitalism in action/kaylie: you can't fuck the bears
how does meeting work/kevin: here's how meeting works
penguin movie/kushal: found piplup in pokemon
floor is lava:floor is lava
hivemind: we have never touched bears
corn subsidies board/liam: corn is 6.37
booth of these nuts/kaylie: wants new drills
summit cola annhiliation/sawyer: if people don't show up for UPA we'll have to buy more summit cola
twain: broken record
summit cola/kushal: summit cola is bad
old beez
kushal didn't bring the fucking thing back
oliver has the spirit i think, it goes to kaylie
not fault: drill may have thought of exploding, is fault: drills can now think
no orders of the day
new beez
twain: proposed standing rule in pravda, the birds and the bylaws
-tim: is this chairs or owners?
--twain: owners
-liam: motion to salute twain + woody
--so moved
-sawyer: strike mother, replace with parental guardian
-howie: what if anticommittees?
--there is a baby anticommittee
-Liam: this isn't commutative
-Tim: what if you make a baby with your anticommittee
-Woody: what if you make a baby with your baby committee
-Howie: what is the purpose/name of the baby committee?
--twain: purpose fits name, name includes a word from each parent, or a portmanteau
---Liam: this should be an amendment
-Howie: this makes ligma jokes easy
--Twain: so moved
-Howie: motion to do the amendment
-voted, passed
-Tim: that was standing rule 69
Liam: motion to create the decoy commmittee
purpose: that pause
-Kushal: motion to cast luigi on james
---bribed for 0 dolalrs
woody: c2q
16 damage to james
-Oliver: motion to table for 1 week
Tim: Motion to create the d-coin committee
Purpose: to flip coins and roll around in dice
-sold too keerthana for 4 dollars +15% tip, chaired by the crypto bros
woody: motion to allow bids of the form to allow for rolling for the number of dice you roll (recursively)
Liam: motion to create the disaster fruitpicker that is my sibling kenneth committee
purpose: bro ken wreck ord
-charles/woody/twain broken records
-kevin broken record
-sawyer: salute broken record committee
-sold to kevin for 2 dollars + 0% tip, chaired by everyone who's afraid of ligma jokes
Kevin: 3 dollars and 0% tip
Woody: 4 dollars and 0% tip
prospekt: sold by woody
More auction bullshittery
Oliver: auctions cost real money
woody: motion to (put hands forwards)
Keerthana: motion to create the broken record committee
-Liam: do they still take damage (yes)
purpose: we're not really going to pass this, are we?
-Kevin: motion to create the broken committee
--ooo, bribed for 1 dollar
--purpose: can we make the broken record in the broken record committee?
---more broken record shit
---Sawyer: motion to create the record scratch you're probably wonderin ghow i got here comm
---kushal: how did you get here?
sawyer: the door
---voted on, passed
---sold to howie for 9 dollar, chaired by (record spin motion)
-tim: this is dilatory now
Sawyer: motion to allocate 69.68 for sippy sips and nummy nums
-good idea'd
-objection (liam): add 1 cent
-withdrawn, voted on, passed
Kaylie: motion to allocate 800 dollars for drills and speed squares
-kevin: speed squares are triangles right?
--kaylie: 2 impact drivers, 2 drills, bit set, and a speed square
-Kushal: how much do we need to have fancy monocles?
--kaylie: they don't have those at home depot
-Sawyer: motion to append "and eye protection devices for one eye at a time"
-Oliver: how do I justify this to slice?
--Sawyer: like I did?
-voted on, passed
Izzy: does the salute work retroactively?
Woody: Motion to create the record broken committee
purpose: bro ken fit his dick in your mouth
-tim: create br,ooo
-Twain: does candice approve?
-james saluted
-voted on, passed
-sold to oliver for 2 dollar +69% tip, chaired by the broken record committee
kaylie: motion to the left
we're exec
we have an event, buy a soul, sell a soul
we hace exec meetings on sunday
ctfws? whtfws?'
-it's in 2.5 week
woody: is the devil in the kgb?
tim: oliver can destroy james if he remembers which emoji he paid more for
keerhtana: motion to allocate mooney from exec for monocles
charles: booth: sunmit booth shirt designs!
charles: ling club is having elections!
kushal: does your election have polar bear facts?
Tim: do we have mouths?
Woody: i make video games! pitch fair
prospekt: we're doing eurydice! it's a show
izzy: join ab tech! we're all graduating!
(more bullshit)
(we're all gonna time out and i can't keep up with the speed of banter)
oliver starts green eggs and ham to time out the meeting
james is ejected
twain puts us out of our misery