From KGB Wiki
THE STATE OF THE KGB ~$800 surplus from Dillon ~$3200 of money
the last committee that will be made with mike as pres: not to be able to say what you meant to say motion to table indef motion to ammend tabling to until next elections PASSES PASSES motion to something i'm out of practice it was steven motion to blow up this committee and table it indef PASSES motion to make an allocation not to exceed $50 for supplies for the event PASSES we didn't misspell andrewIDs!! self dest button committee: to blow up someone else's machine room rename to big red button and sexual favors FAILS the lie erin told people the button would explode something the lie skye told the judges it would blow up a machine room dear god you guys wanna destroy machine rooms the lie shelby told people was "hi, it's nice to see you" PASSES $6 to frieder anyone who doesn't owe the kgb six bucks motion to make an allocation not to exceed $500 to replenish the KGB exec discretionary fund it's what we use when we fuck up--forget to make allocations, etc where are our fighter jets? PASSES motion to set dues for $15 per semester, $20 per year PASSES
the Thing anything that we fuck up is not marlena's fault
we have an event! Bake Barter Friday 4/24, 10am to 5pm, UC tables give us your junk! we will give you food. no sheet metal, money, or trash Useless Stuff Auction 7:00pm, friday 4/24, MM 103 buy the stuff back BOOTH thanks everybody! bring your hard hats in WE GOT THIRD
erin has a lot of disney movies finals are coming up they are stressful she will host movies shelby give her her scizzors back ed is burning the ballots without you you can burn down buildings with steven frieder has to burn down r7 old exec stick around marí has a yearbook! sign it we're all stressed and it's 2015 watch back to the future with skye