From KGB Wiki
Broman had a weekend Video Game Night Halo, other stuff, stupid amounts of Twitch Plays Pokemon on Saturday invented a great new game called 50 Shades of Balderdash it was FANTASTIC Sunday did some work and watched some tv recently has been feeling more and more like a real adult person you know how real adults finish their jobs for the day, go home, and don't do work he should be doing work
James had a weekend it was awesome doesn't remember what she did maybe went back to Cincinnati it's Jay and Caroline's birthday tomorrow! happybirthdaytoyouhappybirthdaytoyouhappybirthdaydearpeoplehappybirthdaytoyou
JRAM had a weekend involved some amount of the event and some amount of a lot of boardgames over the weekend and some amount of work EVENT Movie Night Friday, 7:00, DH 1212 theme is Springtime for Stalin suggest movies on Facebook (interpret theme loosely)
Marlena had a weekend went to the event then just went home and studied and did work her Bio professor planned to have the exam on Wedsnesday BUT moved it to Monday at the request of all the freshmen Marlena was not pleased
Zora had a weekend Video Game Night was Pokemon night so much pokemon Build was good! We did sooooo much priming and also may have run out of ply we'll get more Something happened on Sunday. Work?
Dillon had a weekend event! just played Halo the whole night build priming see Zora Sunday did work and got sucked into TV shenanigans
Mike had a weekend visited a friend at Bryn Mawr which is an all-girls school, so that was interesting went to a murder mystery they were the murderer so they got to lie outright to people ALL NIGHT Sam gave them an emulator for Pokemon and it's wonderful
Anthropomorphized Question Commmittee drew is question
ad hoc Recreational Mathematics Commmittee sharing a birthday was reasonably likely
Nominations Commmittee considering changing name to Omnomnominations Commmittee
Committee To Name Everybody Reese on this day of it's one year anniversery, reports continued failure
Skyentology Commmittee tomorrow will be 75 degrees with freezing rain and a foot of snow
Innovative Technologies Commmittee after studying and math, discovered that Pokemon is the key to time travel
Nominations Commmittee has met 21 times to find candidates for exec will open nominations after spring break will close on April 7th
Nominations Commmittee very much intend to, as the bylaws state, maintain the appearance of neutrality considering painting selves in gold it's a neutral element, right?
misappropriated Broetry Commmittee in conjunction with the Storytelling Commmittee has a misappropriated broem "Bro Me, Bro Life", by Walt Whitman and Emily Forney it had "swoll" and "balla" in it
Booth Commmittee lots of people showed up to the build! We're having builds this Thursday and Saturday, but not otherwise during spring break. Come! There will be things to do.
Dessert For Dinner Commmittee Marlena ordered dessert and dinner from a place because she was doing work and didn't want to leave the house the dessert containter was bigger than the dinner container omnomnom
Skyentology Commmittee query for the Innovative Technologies Commmittee: doesn't Pokemon just bring you backwards in time?
The Thing! the innevitable series of events in Ukraine that will spiral out into either a thermonuclear war or a new Red Dawn movie are not Daniel John's fault
Committee To Be Controlled By Twitch: in anarchy mode Anarchy we'll do whatever anybody says, in Democracy mode we'll be controlled by majority vote change name to a same length string of "a"s PASSES democracy anarchy anarchy democracy change all instances of "democracy" to "communism" PASSES change purpose to "aaaaattttttvvvvvv" PASSES down2left7abbbbupupupupdown3a it's pronounced "Ukraine" (emphasis on first syllable) change purpose to "you guys will be nice and won't change this again, right?" PASSES motion to check the S.S. Ticket democracy anarchy anarchy up PASSES $12 to McGinnis, people who wander in and out randomly will chair
KGButts Commmittee: we don't have any other committees to make Filibuster Committee: reports yeah fuck you ad hoc Texas Republicans Commmittee: you weren't standing, therefore it wasn't valid no this is about butt computing change name to KGClouds Commmittee PASSES PASSES $2 to Drew, disbanded
Delicious Desserts By Committee Committee: to decide what the most delicious dessert is and make that the official dessert of the KGB change name to "Twitch Plays Desserts Committee" PASSES single bowl brownie, mixed with caramel Doctor Who shaped nacho brownie caramel cake sulfiric acid is a great topping chicken noodle soup moondust change every instance of "brownie" with "brony" yeah no flinstones vitamins antifreeze peanut butter noooooooo Marlena is allergic antidote orange juice toothpaste freeze antibellum cold revenge put it in the microwave and serve it hot antidisestablismentarianism, with a side of cherries it serves about three to six people playing in big gigantic boxes that your big expensive christmas presents came in second seagull seconds for dinner before you have dessert have you had firsts? fuck KGB plays another word association game PASSES $2 to Frieder, anyone who doesn't eat desserts will chair
Mysterious Box Commmittee: I wonder what's inside objection from the Suspicious Package Commmittee that quote from Seven motion to fire Chekov's gun I found the source of the ticking! It's a pipe bomb! yaaaaaaaaaay Skyentology Committee: would like to advise against opening the box there's a reason it's heavier than you would think Innovative Technologies Commmittee would like to reccommend picking up the box and shaking it vigorously Skyentology Commmittee would like to ask why the person shaking the box is now foaming at the mouth PASSES $2 to Drew, disbanded
Redundancy Commmittee: motion to create the Redundancy Committee change name to "Recursion Commmittee" motion to append a base case FAILS by the odor of change name and purpose to "HAS THIS EVER STOPPED US BEFORE" PASSES to understand recursion, one must first understand recursion change name to "Out Of Order Commmittee" FAILS change name to "In Order Commmittee" FAILS motion to create the Recursion Committee out of order motion to create the Out Of Order Committee out of order motion to create the Recursion Committee out of order we are now in purple PASSES $6 to Dillon, he and Alex will chair
In Order Committee: oh god I've never gotten this far before change name to "Out Of Order Committee" FAILS with regards to the purpose: that's what she said change purpose to "the extremely well behaved committee" PASSES change name to "Out Of Order Committee" FAILS motion to staple "dilatory" to all members of KGB the chair does not recognise yo ass motion to change Dillon's word to "dillontory" PASSES PASSES $6 to McGinnis, those who are extremely well behaved will chair, also him
Catchphrases Commmittee: to assign members of the KGB a catchphrase GG mistakes were made has that ever stopped us before motion to create the out of order committe party of n - 1 fun fact, promantory is a word change all catchprhase to yeah pretty much that FAILS tortolinus promantory isn't in the KGB Dictionary R7's is "hey, you wanna try some fruitloops vodka?" change all instances of "catchprase" to "themesong" PASSES PASSES $5 to Skye, people with themesongs willchair
motion to insert "outbromanned" into the dictionary space at the end of the dictionary motion to replace the last instance of "e" in "outbrommanned" with an apostraphe PASSES motion to remove the second "n" PASSES motion to change the apostraphe with a quotation mark FAILS motion to replace the apostraphe with a single quotation mark dilatory and Broman will tell you why it's because it's a useless motion motion to replace the m with a sideways sigma dilatory our alphabet only contains the normal letters passes
motion to append "olive unicode" to the KGB Official Dicitionary as a single string (the motion has been retconned) is that "all of" or "olive" the second one (the motion has been retconned) point of order: we decided that the sorting rules for the KGB are not the same as the the normal sorting rules point of info: did you know that if 12 penguins fought a camel, both sides would lose? Steven did know that point of order: ascending FAILS
motion to establish unicode 16 as the KGB Official Alphabet Broman was really hoping that someone would try to add something to the KGB Official Alphabet, which DOESN'T EXIST OUTBROMAN'D PASSES
Sudden Deep Voice Commmittee: pretty much that change name to "Sudden Beep Voice Commmittee" FAILS Caroline thinks Broman's Elmo voice could be really scary this committe hurts Steven's voice PASSES $9 to Maija, anyone who can talk in a really high voice will chair
motion to make an allocation not to exceed $50 for supplies for the event PASSES
motion to replace the "a" in "seagull" with "ä" change "ä" to "¨" PASSES PASSES
Askew Committee: it's like a regular committee, but slightly off tilt and also with a misprint of the KGB Official Dictionary is it left skewed or right skewed yeah one of those is it a skewed symmetric committee? well, it's askew, so, probably not PASSES $3 to McGinnis, anybody who gets a skewed copy of the dictionary to Caroline will chair
EVENT Movie Night Friday, 7:00, DH1212 theme is Springtime for Stalin submit movies on Facebook
Nomcom: nominations will open next week and go until April 7 y'all should coordinate your nominations
Booth builds on Thursday and Saturday! you won't have homework! you should go!
people still have debt! pay your debt!
this is the last week we'll haul shirts from the office!
we don't hold an event over break but we'll reserve a room if y'all want it
Christian is looking for a roommate in R7 next year! Especially if you're younger, so they can keep pulling people in Contact him!
ITR on Saturday! 10:00 on Wean 4
tomorrow there will be small knitted things hidden thoughout campus you should find them!
Puzzlehunt the week after spring break you should sign up or talk to Puzzlehunt people about playtesting