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Revision as of 18:31, 23 November 2015


       had a weekend
       they think
       spent a lot or time in many different coffee shops
       had a weekend
       is now sick
       began with light up night
       other things
       no sleep at all
       had a weekend
       started with difusing bumbs
       moved into whatever he did saturday and sunday
           we don't have one
           (get out of campus)
           no but really we can't book rooms but if you want to do movies somehere do that thing
       had a weekend
       fall concert
       and itr
           but she was sick :C
       is finally regaining her voice and recovering
   zora (owen)
       feeling about a comic that took 48 hours
       Death by malloc
       No bad pun - literally said "Go fuck yourselves" instead
   Owen - Can I have my dollar back? (notably before committee reports)
       diffusing bombs
       i lost track
       murphy needs to take better care of himself


   booth in conj with swear of the week
       request that you GO TO THE FUCKING BOOTH MEETING
       there isn't one this weekend but uh GO TO THE NEXT ONE
   roomba army
       v upset about thanksgiving cleanup
   my left hand
       dylan should not punch the desks
   committee to never leave committee reports
       sometimes it's fun to have reports and just kinda do it, but sometimes there just isn't stuff to do with it
   misap filabuster rports
   misap sportswear
       owen got a new shirt
       pittsburgh phantoms
       very real, played roller hocky for one season in 1994
   ad hoc def misap shitty sweaters
       harry's sweater was $6 and has rabbits fucking on it
   knitting in conj with shitty sweaters
       on ravelry there's a patter for deer fucking
   ad hoc shitty clothes
       more success at filabustering than the filabuster committee


   the Thing!
       nika's body breaking down due to lack of nutrition on sunday is not nika's fault
   tabletop athiesm: fuck you and your eldritch lightening
       motion to table for one hour
   committee that fails for lack of a second: reverse psych works on the kgb
       motion to change everything, just everything
           like, same, but dilatory
       change name and purpose to "everything: just everythign"
   $3 to Kelly, everyone will chair


   ugly clothing committee: to create, wear, and celebrate all forms of ugly clothing (holdiay related or not)
       ad hoc committee to borrow pants from your roommate would like to report pending success
       motion to append "deer fucking" to purpose
       erin won 3 prizes for her christmas shirt
   $1 to erin, anybody who creates/modifies clothing to make it uglier
   2am IHOP: to go to IHOP at 2am
       motion to replace all IHOP to Waffle House
       replace all ihop with "ihop and or waffle house"
       are there any waffle houses in allegheny counted
           there are some in adjoining counties
       delete "or" in purpose
       change purpose to "ihopthatreallygooddinerkindofdownmystreetwafflehouse"
       apparently the waffle house adventure was a mess
       eat n park closes at 3am
       ritters is no longer open 24 hours
       frick park never closes
       almost everything in oakland closes around 2am
           which is fristrating when your options are mcdonalds and rite aid
   $2 to Erin, anybody who goes to midnight trips to waffle house (not ihop)
   committee not to be sold for more than 5 dollars: pretty much that
   $6 to Owen, whoever collects those 6 dollars will chair (so joe) (we'll see)
   everything committee approves
   motion to create the dollar
       we gonna form a mint
   motion to pick a specific dollar already created by a specific organization legally creating those and name it The Dollar
       but we're not defacing it
           nope, nope, joe wrote on it
   motion to fork owencoin
       owencoin is a pseudocurrency which has a words words words owen words owencoin
       you have to ask owen for them
           he'll either give you them or not
           so basically
           owen is your dad
           and this fake money is your allowance
   owencoin: steal owens computer
       the owen coin is entirely bubble-based currency
           but what a bubble it can be
   $9 to owen, craig will chair
   committee not ot be sold for more than $10: worth a try
       it's a good idea
       change all 10 to 1 million
       motion to table this committee for 22 minutes
   if someone makes a motion to table, can you alter that?
       it has to fail first, then you repropose it
   motion to create a stack system where people can respond to a table motion for a table motion with another table motion
       dear lord
   committee for temp lap blankets: solaris
       so as the weather gets colder, glenn just adds more and more blankets
       motion to change purpose to ????
       motion to change purpose to solaris and sweaters
   $1 to erin, anybody who does any sort of fibercraft or uses solaris
   motion to make kgb's actions as a whole spaceworthy redundant
   the actions endorsed by the kgb as an org: everything
       change name to accountability
       change purpose to "this committee is responsible for the actions of the kgb as an org"
       change name to "a count ability"
       CHANGE name to "minutes of the current meeting, up to this point"
       change name to "skye toor"
   $1 to erin, everyone who works in student affairs
   crowdsource a surname: this committee will decide what skyes new last name will be because skye toor is not a good name for a person
       motion to insert at least on silent x
       motion to recursively call skyes full name as the surname
       either "dickbutt" or "bugmars"
       change "person" in purpose to "mighty warrior"
   $6 to owen, owen and skye's new surname is TV
   autocannibalmaker committee: no
       as a scientist, erin has taken a class or two about electrons
           she can tell you that you're wrong
       what would this committee's opinion be on cannibal ogres
       when owen ta'd 251, he was personally responsible for NOT giving this assignment
   $1 to harry, harry will, surname should be net
   techy parents: zora's dad was a unix hotshot in the 90s. he is not anymore.
       harry's mom was trying to do voiceovers for an antismoking add
           "the googlebutton"
           "totally amazeballs"
       nika's mom just decided to become a programmer
           she was a badass
           nerds are great
       ad hoc every comic from xkcd actually happened committee reports success
       alumni need to calm down
   $2 to erin, every ab tech alumni ever
   motion to make an allocation not to exceed $50 for supplies for assassins
   what's worms' fault this week: to assign random events in the world to worms
       so like, whatever the person who has the thing isn't at fault for is worms' fault
       it's all his fault anyway
       wow this got mean
   $5 to worms, worms will chair
   write an L on the chalkboard, think about it for a while, then erase it: whatever joe did
       now there's a Q
       it's a good idea
       x y 12 turte (no l)
   $1 to craig, joe and anyone who's ever written an l on a chalkboard
   committee on the purpose of bombs and symbols: to identify certain things
       SO: think hard about what you want to call this symbol
       owen hates it, vote no
       ad hoc commmittee to have everything translated to english would like to motion to change name and purpose to "the committee on symbols: name the thing"
       owen likes the new name, vote yes
       the kgb all together plays keep talking and nobody explodes
           everybody gets one third of a page of the manual
   $4 to dillon, all bomb diffusal experts will chair
   motion to create a standing rule where owencoin means dollars only in the auction context, and no math tax
       this is confusing and i am not want
       so owen's just gonna be doing everyone's math hw
       someone tried to ask the python creator if he would help them with their math hw
           he said "only if they would pay him 3k an hour"
   TAKING FROM THE TABLE the committee to not be sold for more than 1 million dollars
       change name to the commmittee not to be sold for under 1m illion owencoins
       motion to table for 1 week
           like, exactly 1 week
       tim has a spreadsheet


   apparently exec is at 7:30 today
   no event go away
   we're gonna play assassins
       email or talk to skye to sign up
   pay for your shit
       owen doesn't


   xander has started a cult
       bring your blood
   erin will not be getting burnch on sunday
       if you wnana to afternoon food, hit her up
       it hates you
       the family game of legislative procedure
       talk to owen
       there will be an online game starting over break
       talk about initial rule changes now, or get really mad in december
       also talk to him about ihop
   pride clothes!
       allies is selling them
       go to allies.cmu.edu