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Benner rose up into the ranks of KGB leadership after former 2VP Howie "stepped down" from leadership "willingly" due to "scheduling conflicts". Thankfully, Benner was strangely prepared to fill the empty position caused by the exec shakeup. Benner spends most of her time trapped in the prison of the Wean computer labs, damned to spend the rest of her days fucking around on photoshop at midnight lest the soul of Andrew Carnegie drag her down to hell(force her to walk through Doherty to get to her dorm room).

As the only English major in all of Carnegie Mellon, Benner was kidnapped at gunpoint by Eshaan and Kevin to write for README when it was resurrected in 2024. She says she only contributes to continue the USSR's long and illustrious tradition of propaganda, however the missing printing funds say otherwise.

Preceded by
Daniel Yin
Sergeant at Arms
Succeeded by
Isaac Williamson
Preceded by
Avalon Sueiro
First Vice President
Succeeded by