readme is a satirical newsletter on campus. It's a lot better than The Tartan and almost as awesome as Pravda?.
They have a website.
eforney was the Editor-in-Chef the same year she served as President of the KGB.
Rachel (BUT WHICH ONE???), Ivy, and Vis took up leadership with two other non-KGB members, thus continuing the total encompassing of readme in KGB.
Other KGB/readme members: anbrown, memcginn, fwatson, occasionally Bubbles, occasionally tbroman
Update: The fact that eforney has not spontaneously combusted due to being on the boards of everything forever is yet another thing that has stumped the Physicists]. I am not saying that their field is becoming more and more lame because it has not yet gotten a person on mars or invented a TARDIS, but actually, yes I am.
Well, obviously I'm a Time Lady --eforney 14:00, 16 January 2013 (EST)
Rin was the Editor-in-Chef the same year she served as CorSec.